Ch 48: A Bigger Car

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Asmos POV:

I watched Evie slip on a tiny pair of shorts as she hummed a tune under her breath.

Her hair was still wet from her recent shower, trails of water running down her bare back.

"I can practically feel you watching me Asmos.." she shook her ass a bit, "you like my new shorts?'

I took a long drink of my coffee, "you are a very provocative woman Evangeline. I am unsure if I enjoy it or dread it."

She turned and walked over to me, straddling me in the chair I occupied, her bare breasts pressing against my chest, "I think you like it..." she kissed me softly, "very much. Enough to keep my pack alive maybe."

I nearly scoffed, "you are truly something else."

Evie giggled a bit, "thank you. I try sometimes."

This woman... "I have given your parents time to have another child if they so please."

She scowled at me, leaning back on my lap, "seriously Asmos? You saw my parents, do you seriously think im getting a little brother?"

No, I think if they conceive a new heir that Evie  will never get the chance to know him.

She has already become useless to them, an a traitor in their eyes for mentioning their late son.

But that would be unwise to mention when she is cooperating, "desperate times, Evie, call for desperate measures."

She hummed a bit, "I guess....Everett would have loved a little brother..."

"He had you. I am sure you were enough of a handful."

Her small laugh was light and airy, "probably... anyways, I should be getting dressed."

I skimmed my fingers up her side, "you should. Lest you miss your goodbye."

She shot me an incredulous look, "did you just use the word lest?"

"I did."

Evies full lips caressed mine as she murmured, "old man."

I growled a bit as she pulled away with a giggle, "little girl."

I watched closely as she wiggled into a tiny little tube top, exposing her mid drift and ample cleavage. Teasing grin on her face she ruffled her hair, "Im not little Asmos but you are old."

"Behave yourself and perhaps I will have a surprise for you when this is through."

Her gaze scanned my body, lingering on my crotch.

"Not that."

She pouted but grabbed her purse, "fine. You got our bags right?"

Evie started toward the door without waiting for a reply.

Rolling my eyes a bit I followed her, picking up our suitcases on the way out, "you are already spoilt."

She grinned at me over her shoulder, "mmhm I would be more so if you left me lounge around and gave me a good rub down."

I snorted a bit, walking by her, "you are not a queen Evie."

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