Ch 63: A Little Time

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Asmos POV

I paced my mothers kitchen as she chopped vegetables, "so..." she started, "wheres Evie?"

"Home." I answered gruffly.


"She's asleep."

My mother frowned pointing her knife at me, "don't just keep tiring her out, she needs to get to know the pack and you need to work."

I ran a hand through my hair, not entirely wanting to explain to my mother the little.. moment Evie and I had that led to me stripping her again. "I need some advice." I admitted gruffly.

Slowly my mother put down the knife, vegetables forgotten as she moved around the counter and looked up at me, hands cupping my cheeks, "whats wrong honey? You are getting lines between your eyes, you are too young for those and your mates certainly too young to be with someone who has them. Let old age give you those, not stress."

I sighed a bit, "I am at a loss."



She blinked at me, frowning a bit, "what is there to be lost about? She seems perfectly lovely."

"She's severely emotionally damaged, I don't know if she can run the pack with me."

My mom patted my cheek, "oh sweetheart, if you think shes the only severely emotionally damaged one between the two of you, your not as smart as I always tell people."

"Mother.." I groaned.

She laughed walking back to her cutting board, "you are worried she wont be able to handle the demands of out pack?"

"She was raised as a scapegoat for her own pack. She had intended on rejecting her mate and trying to become alpha on her own."

My mother smiled a bit.

"But she knows nothing of an actual packs workings. Her parents raised her as a companion to a man they likely hoped to control."

She chuckled, "then in comes my son."

"Yes, but thats not the point. She's brash, shes sensitive, shes not exactly all that mature. She thinks she knows what she's doing but doesn't truly, and she cracks under pressure with unhealthy coping mechanisms."

"Is that so?" My mother replied, arching a brow, "and how does she cope."

I looked away.


"That isn't entirely information I wished to divulge to you."

"Asmos." She pressed.

"She has always used...herself to cope."

"Herself?" She asked blandly, "darling, she's a sweetheart but I'm old not stupid, that girls bern around her block and the neighbors."

I nearly cringed, "Mother."

"She's hurting because of it too Asmos." Sighing softly the silver haired woman gestured for me to sit, continuing when I did, "girls who have been through hell with men recognize it in others. Evie may have a promiscuous attitude now but I guarantee that on more than one occasion she woke up alone and in tears."

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