Ch 36: You and I are a Package Deal

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Evie POV:

It's been nearly 24 hours since the effects of the full moon wore off and I was sitting on the couch at Mel's house pretending to watch a movie with her when in actuality I was freaking out.

She glanced at me, obviously concerned, "what's wrong Evie? That guy just professed his love to the main character and you didn't scoff. Your obviously not paying attention."

I looked at my lap, knowing I should tell her.

Its only a matter of time before she finds out.

Only a matter of time before Asmos finds out I lied and comes here.

Shes my best friend she deserves to know, "I...I found my mate Mel."

She was silent for a moment before turning off the TV and wrapping her arms around me, "when? I'm so sorry Evie. Did it hurt? Rejecting him?"

I leaned into her, happy for her open understanding. Glad she wasn't mad at me. "At the ball."

I could practically feel her confusion, "the ball..but didn't you and the alpha from the Lelantos pack sleep together?" She gasped a bit, "did you rebound on Alpha Lelantos...oh Evie no wonder you ran I-"

"I didn't rebound on him Mel."

"What do you mean you didn't rebound Evie, you like your danger but you wouldn't ever sleep with someone that dangerous and unstable in your right mind..."

She trailed off as I met her gaze.

"Oh..." she murmured, "my gods Alpha Lelantos is your.."

I just nodded.

She hugged me tightly, "no wonder you ran. Gods I hope he wasn't too angry when you rejected him."

I took a deep breath, bracing myself for this, "I didn't reject him Mel...I ran while he was asleep...If I rejected him he would have killed me."

"You didn't reject him?" She repeated.


"The man you have been talking to?"

I nodded, swallowing hard, "him."

She searched my face for a moment, "you like him?"

"I don't know him."

"That isn't what I asked Eves." She smiled a bit, "you seemed to like him."

"I think I might but he's so..."

"Terrifyingly deadly to all things that breathe wrong in his direction."

I huffed, "his favorite book is some ancient war manual."

She smiled a bit at me, "you know his favorite book. How cute."

My cheeks warmed, "he was reading it and mentioned it its not like I asked."

Her smile faded a bit, "you went to see him before."

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