Ch 9: Soft as a Babies Ass

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Evangeline POV:

I popped my gum as Melody gushed, "oh my god! Its perfect! I love how amazing at hair you are Evie!"

I shrugged placing the last pin in her chignon, "I'm good at pretty much all beauty things. Makes it easier to lure men into my bed."

She giggled, "will you do my makeup too?"

I arched a brow, "I thought we were testing hairdos?"

"We are. I love this one and that french twist on you is to die for."

I tucked one of the loose curls around my face behind my ear, "alright alright fine. Have you picked a dress yet?"

The arrived yesterday in the mail and shes been gushing non stop.

Actually shes been gushing for the past week. But the dresses really did her in.

I picked mine and called it a day.

Melody is analyzing everything about her entire look. Every little detail.

She wants to look like an angel for her mate.

Which is weird to me because when two mates meet they are horny as hell. And all her work will be ruined within five minutes.

Still though, I do like doing this with her.

Its peaceful, doing hair and makeup all day.

"I have! But you cant know which one yet we promised!"

We promised that even though we both saw each others options we wouldn't show one another the gowns we chose and would stay off the Facebook page so we don't accidentally see. "Alright. Then tell me what look your going for."

"Sweet. Natural but not. Like can you highlight all my best features?"

I cocked a brow at her.

"right, you totally can. Duh."

I chuckled, "you want some sparkle?"

"Is that even a question?"

Shaking my head i riffled through our combined makeup.

I had wondered when she first arrived why she brought it with her.

Stupid of me not to realize she had a full spa day planned.

"You know Evie I was thinking."

I smirked. "I wasn't sure you were capable of that."

She swatted me, "oh hush. As I was saying I was thinking, and then I thought since we aren't going to be there for more than the ball like some wolves are..."

We aren't doing that because its too risky to have me around the Lelantos pack too long.

I felt kinda bad it narrowed down Mel's searching time.

Most wolves arrive two days before and start meeting people.

"...we should get our nails done! There is this spa on the drive there we can hit it the night before I can make an appointment."

"Is there something I should know about this spa?"

She bit her lip, "they have that weird fish thing where the little fish eat the dead skin off your feet."

"That's disgusting. Im game."


"Yeah. I always wondered what having my flesh eaten would be like and we should spoil ourselves." I pulled out her foundation and a few eyeshadows, "my feet should be soft as a babies ass when I kick my mate to the curb."

"See..." she started, "I just didn't want mine to be gross when I meet him."

"Planning on being with a foot fetishist?"

"Ew Evie thats so gross!"

"You're the one who brought up feet. Now stop talking and let me fix your face."

She silenced as I started to work.

I could tell though she was starting to go all Melody on the situation.

I'm a sort of shoot first ask questions later, live in the moment, be spontaneous sort of girl.

YOLO an shit like that.

Melody is a planner. She's got a list of everything she wants in life, its set in her calendar. Shes a perfectionist who makes itinerary's for every little thing she does.

So naturally her meeting her mate has to be perfect. She has to be perfect. "Melody, soft perfect feet or not. He's going to love you. Its you how could he not? You're amazing."

She smiled softly at me in thanks.

"Don't get so in your head about it Mel. You're beautiful, smart, hilarious, and disgustingly sweet. You cant plan a chance meeting."

She sighed a bit waiting until i moves the brush from her face, "I know."

"Good. Stop worrying."

"The ball is in 3 days." She pouted, "you finished getting your alterations on your gown right?"

"Yes mom it fits me like a glove some poor fool will have to rip off me at the end of the night."

She giggled, then paused, "oh my god should I wear gloves?"

"No Melody. No gloves. No changing your earrings, or shoes, or purse. Now. Do you want fake lashes?"

"Hmm no. I want him to really see the real me."

"Okay. Can I make a suggestion?"

"Sure!" She chirped.

I gave her a sly smile, "we should match your lip color to your nipples. Guaranteed to look fabulous and if you meet him it will he sexy as shot when you take off your clothes."

She didn't even hesitate before she pulled open her robe, "match me oh wise one."

She has so much faith in me.

Im so proud.


I stopped pulling colors to compare. "Yes?"

"They are a nice color right?"

I rolled my eyes, "If I were a man or lesbian I would fantasize about them."

She giggled a bit, "thank you."

"Anytime babe. Anytime. Now..I think if we mix these two colors it will be perfect."

"I cant believe I'm letting you do this."

Honestly, Neither can I.

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