Ch 34: What the Fuck Does the Full Moon do to you?

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Evie POV:

I still haven't called Asmos and its approaching the full moon.

Tonight actually.

And my wolf....

...shes going insane.

The animal part of me wants Asmos. Fuck she wants him more than anything. It nearly pushed me to call him several times and the moon isn't even out yet.

Im screwed.

The second the moons out I know my wolf is gonna push me to call him at the very least.

Force me into a shift to find him at the worst.

And if that happened and by some horror managed to actually find Asmos, I had no doubt we would end up tied to one another. Permanently.

So, I unhappily clicked his name, listening to the ringtone in uncomfortable silence.

He answered on the fourth ring sounding out of breath, "Evie?"

My inner wolfs anger swarmed through me, "why are you so out of breath?"

If that man is fucking some random wolf slut he's going to die.

I will personally rid the world of Asmos Lelantos.

The man on the other side of the phone scoffed, "I have spent my entire day training and punching things because the woman who is supposed to take care of my urges on the full moon decided to be a bitch and take off."

My wolfs anger fell while my human sides grew, "and have you mark me? Asmos, we discussed not wanting one another's love. If we were together now, we would be together for life I would end up with you forever. And..." I trailed off, and I would likely end up pregnant. Over. And over again.

Asmos didn't strike me as the type of alpha to stop at the heir and the spare. Not for his pack, not for his legacy. He's paranoid enough to think at least one of his children will be targeted for murder.

With all his enemies they might be.

I shivered at the thought.

"You will end up carrying my child." He voiced my thoughts. "That is true. And could be problematic considering your level of maturity and my need for a successor."

Basically he wasn't down for my staying on birth control and he thinks I'm too dumb to realize that. And he wants my personality to change magically. "Asmos.."

"But that is irrelevant right now, you must be in serious discomfort to have called me angry and stubborn as you are."

"I'm fine I-"

"Your wolf must be tearing apart your mind with lust."

I growled lowly, "as if yours isn't? You were working yourself into a pant trying to get my ass out of your mind weren't you?"

His turn to growl, lowly and filled with heat, "I find your heavy tits more fascinating to be honest."

I scowled at my reflection in the mirror across from my bed, "we both know that isn't what I meant."

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