Three days had passed when Goldilocks had last visited Regina. She knew she had to go back and visit her best friend.
But she had to try something first.
Goldilocks was standing a few feet away from the palace, and blew the whistle. It didn't make a noise, which was exactly what she wanted. Suddenly next to her popped Perdita, barking with delight.
"You did it!" Goldilocks bent down and stroked her dog. "You managed to shadow travel!"
Perdita barked again, and lightly jumped around, pleased with her accomplishment.
"I bet you can't catch me," Goldilocks whispered, and then ran away from Perdita, who barked, and ran after her. Goldilocks managed to run passed the palace before Perdita jumped on her back, causing Goldilocks to fall on her front.
"Whoa! Haha, okay," Goldilocks managed to turn herself around so she was now laying on her back, Perdita standing on her stomach. "Okay, you got me. You win!"
Perdita nodded proudly, and stepped carefully off Goldilocks, who got up, brushed her dress down and crouched down to fiddle with Perdita's blue collar, straightening it where it was twisted.
"Goldilocks?" A posh, unimpressed voice said. Goldilocks turned her head, to see Queen Cora looking at her from behind the palace fence.
Goldilocks stood up hurriedly. "You highness." Goldilocks said through gritted teeth as she curtsied, even though she didn't want too.
Goldilocks, of course, had never actually done anything to Cora, but it was the fact the Goldilocks had good magic, and she was friends with Regina. Cora wanted her daughter to grow up just like her, and she had only been in the palace five minutes and managed to figure out why there was a feel of light magic in the air. Goldilocks and Regina couldn't be friends, Cora had been working too hard to conspire her evil plan to make Regina Queen of the whole Enchanted Forest. Goldilocks had to be got rid off.
And the only person who could move Goldilocks out of the picture was Cora. And Cora had come up with a plan.
"You're friends with my daughter, aren't you?" Cora asked.
Goldilocks hesitated, before lying. "Not too bad. I've only meet her seven or eight times." Goldilocks know it was a lie, and she was pretty sure Cora knew too.
Cora nodded. "And I understand you have been teaching her magic?"
Goldilocks's heart was hammering inside her chest. "Ahh, you know about that?"
Cora smile was warm, but her eyes were cold. "Of course I do. And I also understand you have been teaching her in the garden, behind the huge tree?"
"You seem to know everything that's going on in your daughter's life," Goldilocks commented quietly. "... Even when you're three realms away..."
Cora went on. "Well, I do indeed think these magic lessons are what Regina needs. But I don't think practising outside will do any good... I know, I'll invite you to the palace every Thursday afternoon, and after an hour of magic lessons you can stay for dinner."
Goldilocks blinked several times, trying to register what had just been said. "You're inviting me to dinner at your palace? But- you mean- you don't mind that I'm teaching your daughter good magic?"
"Not at all. And to say thank you, how would you like to look around the inside of the palace? I'm sure Regina would love to show you her room!?"
Goldilocks thought this was a generous offer, but she couldn't help but think something was wrong, and that Cora was planning something evil.
"Thank you," Goldilocks said politely. "But I think I should probably be going home now."
"Are you sure?" Cora asked. "At least come and say hello to Regina."
Goldilocks realised that whatever she said, Cora would just create an excuse to invite her into the castle.
Goldilocks sighed. "Okay. Thank you. I'll just say hello to Regina."
Cora nodded, and opened the huge gates with a flick of her wrist.
Goldilocks told Perdita to sit down and wait by the gates until she returned. Then she followed Queen Cora into the palace.
It was amazing. Wherever Goldilocks looked on the grey walls, she saw pictures of the royal family, and paintings of all the previous kings and queens. The floors were tiled and there were huge windows on nearly every wall. The ceiling was huge and curved, and the corridors seemed to be a mile long! Occasionally Goldilocks and Cora walked passed a case of jewels or tiaras, which caused Goldilocks to stop and stare for a moment, before running to catch up with the Queen.
Cora lead Goldilocks up some spiral stairs, inside one of the palace towers, and at the top of was huge brown wooden door.
"This is Regina's room?" Goldilocks asked, raising one eyebrow pointing to the door.
"Indeed it is. She chose it herself. There is a fabulous view from the window," Cora said whilst nodding.
Goldilocks stared at the door, before saying: "Should I knock or-"
"Oh no dear, you can just go straight in," Cora replied. Goldilocks narrowed her eyebrows, knowing something was definitely not right now.
Goldilocks grabbed the huge handle, turned it with both hands and other the door open.
Goldilocks entered the room. But the room was empty.
No furniture, or wallpaper or carpet, not even the window Cora told her about. Goldilocks spun around to find Cora looking at her, a huge grin on her face.
"I think that is my daughters," Cora pulled the necklace from Goldilocks's neck, and Goldilocks gasped in pain. She reached down to grab the whistle that had fallen, and looked back up at Cora.
"Goodbye, dear," The Queen smiled evilly, and produced a magic been from behind her. Before Goldilocks could even register what was going on, Cora threw the bean on the floor, and a green portal opened up underneath Goldilocks's feet, and Goldilocks fell down, her screams ringing out.

Once Upon A Time: Goldilocks comes to Storybrooke
FanfictionA young 15 year old girl finds herself in Storybrooke, a modern town, where all the fairy tale characters live. The young girl claims to be Goldilocks, however no one admits to knowing her, and the one person who does won't tell the full story. Most...