Chapter 10 (flashback)

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Goldilocks was dreaming. She was in Regina's palace, with Cora. Cora opened up a magic portal and Goldilocks fell...

Suddenly Goldilocks jolted awake, breathing heavily. She had just felt like she was falling. She closed her eyes for a moment and exhaled. But when she opened her eyes and examined her surroundings, she gasped.

She wasn't at home, she wasn't with Regina, she didn't even think she was in The Enchanted Forest anymore! She was sat on a beach, that stretched out as far as the eye could see, and to her left there was a huge forest, with towering trees, and to her right there was the ocean. Goldilocks stood up, and brushed her dress down of the sand, looking around.

Where was she? Where had Cora sent her? How would she get back to Regina?

Goldilocks saw something buried in the sand next to her. She dug for a few seconds, and produced the whistle.

Goldilocks fiddled with the whistle in her hand, before eventually looking down at it, smiling slightly, and bringing it up to her lips. Goldilocks blew the whistle, and about five seconds later she heard a bark, and Perdita ran out of the forest, and began to circle around Goldilocks.

"Hey girl," Goldilocks whispered, scratching Perdita behind the ears as the dog jumped up and down excitedly. "I can't believe you managed to shadow travel again!"

Perdita barked with pleasure.

Goldilocks looked around again. "Where are we?" She whispered sadly.

Just then she heard a woosh behind her, and then a voice said, "Who are you?"

Goldilocks froze, before finally spinning around, to be faced with a young boy.

The boy had dark blonde/brown hair, and was dressed in what looked like a dark green jacket with sleeves that ended at his elbows, and leather stitched on the upturned sleeves. He had a brown leather belt with a huge golden buckle, and trousers the same colour as his jacket.

"Erm," Goldilocks was suddenly unable to speak. She had to blink a few times to make sure the boy was actually there. "My name is Goldilocks. Who are you?"

"I'm Peter. Peter Pan. I live here. How did you get here?" The boy asked, pointing at her, before folding his arms.

"I fell through a portal," Goldilocks rubbed her forehead. "Look, would you mind telling me where here is?"

"This -" Peter gestured all around him. "Is Neverland."

"Okay -" Goldilocks said slowly, rubbing her forehead. "Peter, I need to get back to The Enchanted Forest."

"This is a magical island, in a complete different realm from The Enchanted Forest."

Goldilocks paused for a moment. "And do you know how I can get back?"

"Oh, you're leaving so soon?" Peter Pan asked. "But you literally only just got here."

"Yeah, I know." A ringlet fell into Goldilocks' face, and she pushed it away again. "But how do I get out of here."

Peter grinned, took hold of Goldilocks' shoulder and spun her around one hundred and eighty degrees, and pointed to the sky. "Do you see that?"

Goldilocks looked where he was pointing, and had to squint to see. At first she couldn't see anything, but as she looked closer she noticed two stars, the second one seemed to be slightly brighter.

"You take the second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning," Peter told her.

"Okay, and how do I get up there?" Goldilocks nodded to the star.

"You need to fly."

"And I do that by-"

"You need to use Pixie Dust."

"And do you have any of that?" Goldilocks turned to face Peter.

"Well, not on me, no," Peter replied. "But I do know where we can get some."

"And you'll let me have some?" Goldilocks asked.

"Sure," Peter grinned. "But it looks like the sun is setting." Peter looked up at the sky again. "We should be able to get you some pixie dust and help you get out of here if we are quick."

He grabbed both of her arms in his own, and he actually had a really soft grip, like he was purposely trying not to hurt her, or grab her too hard. "Follow me!" Peter said excitedly, and lead Goldilocks off the beach, and into the forest of Neverland.

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