Goldilocks couldn't describe how it felt to be a mermaid. It felt like her legs were wrapped together with tight fabric so they couldn't work separately, like they had to work together as one.
At first Goldilocks had trouble controlling her new tail, but soon she got the hang of it. Goldilocks didn't normally like go under water, because she always worried that the water would sting her eyes, but Goldilocks cautiously opened one eye, to find that the water didn't sting her eyes at all. She didn't know if that was the mermaid magic or not, but she wasn't going to complain.
Goldilocks swam deep into the sea, coming across different types of fish, and a few mermaids, who waved to her. She would wave back and then continue swimming.
After what seemed like forever (even though it was only a few minutes) she began to fell tired, as her legs ... tail .... was slowly aching.
She eventually found a nice spot under the sea to rest. Goldilocks lay on the huge, long boulder, lightly running her hand down one of the ringlets in her hair. Even though she was under the water, her hair still stayed perfect.
Goldilocks closed her eyes for a few moments and prayed Peter would be alight. But she still couldn't believe it. She liked him, and he liked her back!!
Goldilocks smiled to herself, but her thoughts were disrupted when she suddenly felt a shadow cast over her. It was only for a second, but Goldilocks opened her eyes and pushed herself up on her hands to look.
Several mermaids were swimming past her as fast as they could, hurrying to the surface of the water.
Goldilocks watched, and then decided to follow them.
"What's going on?" She asked one of the mermaids with ginger hair.
"That's Ariel," said a mermaid with brown hair. "She can't reply. Her voice was taken from her by The Evil Queen."
Goldilocks immediately suspected Cora, but she didn't realise it had actually been Regina who had taken Ariel's voice.
"I'm really sorry to here that," Goldilocks said as Ariel swam away. "But may I ask where you are all going?"
"A ship has just landed in the waters of Neverland," the brown hair mermaid explained, slowing down slightly so she and Goldilocks could swim and talk together. "We heard that the Evil Queen is on it."
Goldilocks gasped. Cora was on that ship? Or at least, that's what she thought...
"The Evil Queen?" Goldilocks repeated.
The brown haired mermaid nodded. "And a few other people too. We're going to attack the ship."
"Attack the ship?" Goldilocks repeated.
"Yeah. Like, bash into it, and stuff. You're more then welcome to come help us."
"Really!?" Goldilocks asked.
The brown haired mermaid nodded eagerly. "I'm Jewel, by the way."
"I'm Goldilocks," Goldilocks replied. Jewel nodded and carried on swimming.
This was Goldilocks's chance. Her chance to finally get revenge on Cora. She could help the mermaids attack the ship, to get revenge on Cora for causing her to fall through the portal.
Goldilocks swam as fast as she could to keep up with the other mermaids. She continued to swim with them, until she saw a huge oval shape shadow at the top of the sea. As Goldilocks got closer she realised it was made out of wood.
Goldilocks took a huge breath and swam upwards until her head was out of the water, and she saw a huge pirate ship. She could only see two people of the ship, both women, one with short black hair, and the other had blonde hair.
She watched for a few more moments before hearing someone on the ship say: "well that's a great use of our time; a wardrobe change," and she quickly ducked back under the sea.
Half of the mermaids went to one side of the boat and half went to the other side. Goldilocks quickly found Ariel and Jewel and swam over to them.
"Ready mermaids?" A brown skinned mermaid called to everyone.
"YES!!!!" All the mermaids, except Ariel, shouted.
"After three," a purple hair mermaid suggested.
"One!" The brown skinned mermaid said.
"Two!" Jewel called.
"Three!" Everyone else (except Ariel, of course) shouted, and all the mermaids attacked the ship.
Goldilocks enjoyed it very much. She used her magic to fire at the ship and cause the wood to slowly faded and rot away. Goldilocks then used her tail to hit into the ship.
"Haha!" Jewel laughed. "You're getting into this!"
Goldilocks laughed back. "I just need to get my revenge."
Jewel motioned for Goldilocks to follow her, and they swam away from the boat.
"So how did the Evil Queen harm you?" Jewel asked.
"She caused me to fall through a magical portal, exiling me and forcing me away from my best friend," Goldilocks explained.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Jewel said sympathetically. "Ariel is my best friend, The Queen hurt her, so she hurt me."
"It's nice that you and Ariel are good friends," Goldilocks nodded.
Jewel nodded. "I'm going for a swim with Ariel in a little while, do you want to come?"
Goldilocks nodded. "Yes please, I'd like that... But we have to be back in Neverland in one week."
Jewel nodded. "One week it will be."

Once Upon A Time: Goldilocks comes to Storybrooke
FanfictionA young 15 year old girl finds herself in Storybrooke, a modern town, where all the fairy tale characters live. The young girl claims to be Goldilocks, however no one admits to knowing her, and the one person who does won't tell the full story. Most...