"Come on you stupid dog," Cruella muttered as she lead Perdita through the forest on her leash.
Perdita whined a little as she tried to keep up with the villain.
"Urgh, come on," Cruella shouted, and pulled on the leash, causing Perdita to wince and fall over.
"For God's sake," Cruella muttered. "I'll just do it now." Cruella produced a knife from her coat pocket.
Perdita saw the knife and tried to back away, but her leg was badly hurt because of the fall. There was a sharp cut on the Dalmatian's leg, and it was bleeding slightly.
"Hold still," Cruella ordered as she grabbed Perdita's injured leg. Perdita whimpered. Cruella placed the blade of the knife on the dogs leg, and Perdita howled as if she was in pain.
"Oh, shut up, I haven't even begun to cut yet," Cruella rolled her eyes.
However just at that moment Perdita's head perked up, and suddenly crawled into the shadows of the nearest tree and disappeared, leaving Cruella in the forest, crouched down, looking slightly bewildered, as the knife in her hand was cutting through thin air.
Cruella blinked, slightly confused.
"How does a dog just disappear!?" Cruella whispered in an annoyed tone. "Perdita just disappeared!? Now what am I supposed to use as bait against Goldilocks!?" Cruella stood up straight and tossed the knife to one side. It stabbed itself into a tree and laid embedded there. "Ahh well."
Cruella pulled the white coat around her shoulders and clasped it firmly so it wouldn't fall down. She walked through the forest, slipping through the woodland, and dodging passed the trees.
She placed one of her hands on a tree to her right and used it to help her stand over the log in front of her. She looked up and smiled.
There, less then ten metres in front of her, was Merida, in her bear transformation, and frozen in her statue.
Cruella smiled, her eyebrows narrowing. She slipped her hand into her fur coat pocket and brought out the ring Goldilocks had retrieved for her. Cruella pulled off one of her gloves and slipped the ring on. She held her arm out and admired her ring.
Then she walked up to the statue.
Merida, in bear form, was stood on a small, golden platform, with a door on the side. Where a key hole should have been, there was a small dent in the golden coloured metal.
Cruella bent down and slotted the blue jewel of her ring into the dent. There was a click, and the door swung open.
Cruella grinned, and reached into the platform and bright the box out. She stood up straight, opened it, looking at the content inside, and smiled, her eyebrows narrowing.
Cruella looked back up at the bear statue, and held up the hand with her ring on, so the ring and the bears eyes are level with each other.
"Come on, darling," Cruella whispered. She watched the bear.
Suddenly the bear blinked, and the gold began to fade.
Cruella watched for a moment, before realising what was happening, and ran behind a tree.
Cruella, breathing heavily, out of fear and exhaustion, waited, until she heard a thud; signalising Merida had fallen from the platform, and then a growl; letting Cruella know the curse had been lifted.
Cruella then brought the box up to her lips and spoke into it.
"Find the town Storybrooke, and be sure to destroy everyone, and everything you see. Don't let anyone else give you orders, and don't take them from anyone. I'm you're master, and you answer to me."
Merida was alive, in bear form, and under the control of, the one and only, Cruella De Vil.

Once Upon A Time: Goldilocks comes to Storybrooke
FanfictionA young 15 year old girl finds herself in Storybrooke, a modern town, where all the fairy tale characters live. The young girl claims to be Goldilocks, however no one admits to knowing her, and the one person who does won't tell the full story. Most...