Chapter 47 (Flashback)

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Rodger climbed off the ship and surveyed the kingdom of Arendelle. He had to admit, it was a very beautiful place. It was sunny, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. There were little houses lined up in rows, and in the centre of one of the streets there was a huge maypole, with different coloured ribbons flapping due to the light breeze.

Rodger ran a hand through his hair and smiled. Arendelle was even beautifuller then The Enchanted Forest!

"Rodger, these creates aren't going to put themselves into the carriages," someone called from behind him.

Rodger turned his head. There were two dark blue carriages with the Arendelle crest in gold on the side. The doors were open, and the creates full of tradable goods were being loaded into the carriages.

Rodger ran to the ship, took a heavy crate off one of his work friends and slotted it next to the other crates in the carriage.

In less them an hour, all the heavy crates were loaded.

"I'll take this carriage with Douglas, and Rodger, you take that carriage with Michael," Gary said, sitting on one carriage with Douglas, who was a tough, olive skinned man. "The rest of the gang will walk to the palace after the ship has been attended too."

"Aye sir," Rodger grinned, pulling himself up into the riders seat of the other carriage. Michael was a short, pale, skinny young man who wasn't much use at the delivering business at all, but they had hired him, as a request from his mother, who had helped the men with their trading. Plus her son was considered a 'loner', so he had requested the men to help Michael improve his confidence.

"Need some help?" Rodger held out his hand to Michael, who was having trouble getting up onto the seat.

Michael nodded. "Cheers," he said as he took hold of Rodgers hand. Michael was so skinny Rodger was able to pull him up onto the seat with no trouble.

"Do you want to drive?" Rodger held out the reins to Michael.

"R-really!?" Michael asked, his hand on his chest, as if Rodger had just offered him gold, and he could not quite believe it.

"Sure - just take it steady, okay?" Rodger replied, fiddling with the reins until they were secure in Michaels hands. "We're going to wait for Gary to go first, and then we'll follow him, okay?" Rodger explained the instructions very clearly.

Michael nodded eagerly, and Rodger looked at Gary's carriage. Gary smiled at Rodger, and nodded, as if to say "thank you" for looking after Michael.

Gary clicked his reins and set off, and five seconds later Michael did the same.

They got to the palace in less then ten minutes, and thankfully for Rodger, he was still in one piece.

The Arendelle royal castle looked magnificent. It was huge, and in the sun light it looked almost silver, with blue piers.

"We are from The Enchanted Forest, also known as Mist Haven. The kingdom run by King Henry and Queen Cora. We are the traders, bringing the deliveries required by your King and Queen," Gary told the two guards stood in front of the front door.

They whispered to each other, and then nodded. Rodger saw them open the huge gates and step aside allowing the two carriages to go into the court yard.

Gary's and Douglas's carriage went first, and Rodger and Michael followed them.

A third guard speed walked into the castle and less then two minutes later the King and Queen of Arendelle emerged, followed by four guards.

The King Agnarr was very tall. He had ginger hair, and a mustache and was dressed in a black suit with golden shoulders and a golden belt. The Queen Gerda had dark brown hair in a bun, and was in a simple purple dress.

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