Goldilocks was eight years old. She lived with her mother, named Anita, and their pet Dalmatian dog, Perdita. Goldilocks had never known her father, one day he had to take a trip across the sea to travel to a far away kingdom called Arendelle. But unfortunately, he had never made it back home.
However, Goldilocks had heard many stories of her father, and how he used to work in the palace for the king and queen, and how he frequently travelled to different realms, to try bring peace and sell gifts and merchandise. It might not have been much, but he always managed to provide more then enough for the family.
Goldilocks knew her father's name: Rodger, and about his job, but that was it. She didn't know anything else about him, like his past. And she didn't ask for anything else. Her mother would tell her facts about him, but then burst into tears. Goldilocks knew her mother was trying to be brave.
Anita had met other men, but she didn't want another relationship, not after having a meeting with a fairy, who used Pixie dust to confirm Rodger was her one and only true love.
One night Goldilocks was sat on the floor by the fire, in a white nightgown, one that used to belong to her cousin, as she made the two small dolls in front of her dance by themselves, by waving her fingers. The dolls were from her father, (as he had bought them as soon as he had found out his wife was pregnant), and her mother was sat in the arm chair, muttering softly as she began to sew into a white dress with little flowers. This dress had been given to Goldilocks by her cousin, and her mother was busy adjusting it, so it would fit Goldilocks.
"Mommy, will you do my hair after that?" Goldilocks asked, not taking her eyes off the flames in the fire. Goldilocks liked to have her hair brushed and twirled into ringlets every morning and every night.
"Yes, of course I will dear," Anita said, continuing to sew into the dress.
Goldilocks turned around and looked up at her mother, and watched her a few minutes before saying. "Are you okay?"
Anita glanced over in her daughters direction. "Yes of course I am. What makes you ask that?"
"You had your serious face on," Goldilocks recalled.
Anita immediately smiled and placed the sewing in her lap. "I'm just concentrating, honey."
Goldilocks nodded and stood up. "Want to play dollies?" Goldilocks held up both dolls in her hand.
"I'm a little bit busy right now," Anita gestured to the sewing. "But I'll tell you what, I'll finish the dress tonight, and then tomorrow you can wear it, and we'll have a whole day of playing dollies, okay?"
Goldilocks grinned and nodded. Anita smiled too, but just then there was a crash outside, and Anita and Goldilocks both turned to face the door.
"Mommy?" Goldilocks asked, looking up at Anita.
Anita frowned, stood up, and put the dress on the chair she had just been sitting in. Anita's eyes were flickering all over.
"Goldilocks," Anita bent down and looked into Goldilocks's eyes. "I need you to go outside the back and run into the forest. You have to stay there until I come back and get you, okay?"
"But what's going on?" Goldilocks asked.
"I think we're under attack," Anita told her daughter. "I think something has sensed our magical powers, and it's is going to try attack us."
"Who?" Goldilocks asked curiously.
"Not who, honey, what. I think it's a bear," Anita said as quick as she could. "They are very sensitive, and are able to sense who has magic."
"Oohh," Goldilocks cried excitedly.
"No honey, it's not a very good thing," Anita said, running to the fire place and picking up the poker. "Bears are dangerous creatures. I'll be able to stop it from attacking us, but I need you to run into the forest, and get as far away as you can. Just like we practised. You know the forest like the back of your hand. You'll be safe."
Goldilocks immediately looked down at her hand. "But what about you?"
Anita sighed. "I'll be fine. Once I've gotten rid of the bear I'll come and fetch you, okay?"
Goldilocks nodded.
"Good girl," Anita said, blinking back tears as she pulled her daughter into a quick hug. "Now off you go, and make sure you don't use magic whilst you're alone in the forest." Anita kissed her daughters forehead and motioned to the back door.
Goldilocks ran to the back door. She pushed, and it opened. She looked back at her mother, but Anita was waiting by the front door, not looking at Goldilocks as she raised her weapon. Goldilocks ran outside and closed the back door just as she heard the front door being banged open, and she ran away, leaving the sound of growling, screaming, and crashing behind her.

Once Upon A Time: Goldilocks comes to Storybrooke
FanfictionA young 15 year old girl finds herself in Storybrooke, a modern town, where all the fairy tale characters live. The young girl claims to be Goldilocks, however no one admits to knowing her, and the one person who does won't tell the full story. Most...