Chapter 45 (flashback)

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Rodger was busy finishing packing his small luggage bag for his journey. Rodger was a young man, who was a deliverer and trader. He lived in The Enchanted Forest with his wife Anita, who was pregnant with a little girl.

Rodger had been given a task, to take some of the goods from The Enchanted Forest, to a kingdom called Arendelle. He couldn't decline the job, so unfortunately he had to go.

He buckled up his bag and picked it up by the straps. Then he walked outside to find his wife on her hands and knees, tidying up the flowers.

"Anita, don't do that," Rodger dropped his bag, ran over to his wife and helped stand up.

"Sorry dear," Anita sighed. "They just looked messy."

"I don't care," Rodger picked his bag up again. "You can't be working like this when I'm gone, you're having a baby for goodness sake!"

"Sorry dear," Anita replied as they walked down the garden path of their little cottage.

"You need to promise me you will take it easy, and rest whilst I'm gone, okay?" Rodger said once they got down the garden path.

"I've only been pregnant for four weeks," Anita commented.

"So? That doesn't matter! You'll stress yourself and the baby out! Do you promise?" Rodger said.

Anita smiled. "Yes dear."

"Good." Rodger hugged his wife tightly. "Look after yourself, stay clear of bears, and no house work!"

They stayed in each other's arms until the carriage arrived to pick Rodger up, which was almost five minutes.

"Come on Rodger!" The carriage driver called out after slowing down the horses.

Rodger kissed his wife and then picked up his bag. "I'll be back in a few months."

"Good luck dear," Anita said.

Rodger walked up to the carriage door and opened it. He pushed his luggage bag on one of the seats, and was about to get in himself, when a voice suddenly shouted: "WAIT!!"

Rodger turned his head and saw his sister, Cruella, running up to the carriage. That particular day she was wearing a fur coat that was almost black, with an unnecessary large collar, and the coat reached just passed her knees.

"Cruella?" Rodger asked. "Hi, what are you doing here?"

"Goodness me, darling, I didn't think I'd be quick enough! I thought you would have already set off!" Cruella panted for breath, her hands on her stomach as she lent against the carriage.

Rodger blinked. "Ahh, so you came to see me off?"

Cruella took a deep breath and stood up to her full height. She was the oldest, therefore the tallest out of them two. Rodger only reached her shoulders!

"Yes darling, I did," Cruella's eyes sparked. "But also to ask - if you come across any nice materials - like fur, for coats - would you consider buying me some?" Cruella produced a small brown bag and shook it slightly, so Rodger could hear the jingle of the coins inside.

Rodger laughed. "Of course, anything for my dear sister." He held out his hand and Cruella grinned with glee as she dropped the money into her younger brothers hands. "I'm already buying Anita some jewellery and some new dolls for our daughter," Rodger said.

"Ahh, so it's a girl?" Cruella asked. She knew she was going to be an aunt, she just didn't know if she was having a niece of a nephew.

"Yeah, a little girl, we're still figuring out the name," Anita stepped forwards.

"Hell Anita darling," Cruella said over-enthusiastically.

"Hello Cruella," Anita spoke through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, I want to name her Georgia, but Anita wants to name her either Evangeline or Wendy, she just hasn't decided which to go for," Rodger said.

"How about Cruella, after her dear old aunt?" Cruella suggested, spreading her arms out to present herself.

Rodger laughed. "I'll keep that in mind." But Anita didn't like Cruella's suggestion.

Suddenly the driver of the carriage spoke again, this time in a more annoyed tone. "Rodger, stop gossiping or else we'll miss the ship to Arendelle! These deliveries won't deliver themselves!"

"I'm coming Gary," Rodger said to the driver. "I'll see you both soon."

He hugged his sister, and kissed his wife before getting in the carriage. As the carriage began to make it's way to the docks, Rodger waved through the window, and Cruella and Anita waved back.

Rodger waved until they were out of eyesight before stopping waving and slumping in his seat. He fiddled with the cuff of his sleeves anxiously. He was not nervous, he had been on many trips across the sea before, but he know this was just going to be longer then the rest of the journeys.

Though he didn't quite realise how long his trip was actually going to be...

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