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Harlow Twist Stark, the eldest daughter of Tony Stark had been with her father through thick and thin. The moment she was left in a basket outside his house wrapped in a yellow fluffy blanket, Tony's life had changed.

She had grown up under the eyes of the media but that didn't scare her away from her father. No matter the flaws Tony has it didn't seem to scare of the little girl; the ego, the stubbornness, all of it, Harlow still looked at her father the same.

When Tony was kidnapped, she was there waiting for him. When he was down the deep end with Hammer Industries, she was still waiting for him. When the Battle of New York happened, she was still there. When Tony was thought to be dead, she was still waiting. Time moved and enemies came and go, she was there.

She had created relationships with the team and with whatever battles she was there. Whether waiting when she was young or finally sneaking into a fight in Sokovia.

Harlow Stark had gone through so much, but there she was. Staring at Stephen Strange covered in blood, soot and dust. Dried blood on her forehead as she gripped the electric baton that Natasha Romanoff had left for her.

She looked around to see the rubble and destruction and her heart ached for it. Too many people had lost their lives and she knew if they failed more people would.

Stephen looked at her with tear filled eyes as he raised a finger at her. She gulped, knowing the gesture, she glanced at Steve then to Wanda and then to her father. As their eyes met Tony knew and he tried to get up, he really did but his leg was so messed up he was struggling.

Harlow Stark stood her ground and faced the tyrant Thanos who smirked at her, "You lost Stark." He glowered and she clenched her jaw. He raised his hand and moved to snap it but she lunged at him, grabbing the makeshift gauntlet her and her father had created earlier.

She jabbed him on the side with the baton, making him fall on his knees in shock. She gripped the gauntlet and the stones but Thanos grabbed her neck and threw her to the side.

His smirk was enough for the team to fear the worst, "I am inevitable." He said and he snapped. A second passed and nothing happened. Pepper moved to Tony who watched in confusion.

Thanos moved his hand only to be welcomed by the sight of an empty gauntlet. He looked at the fallen Stark who looked up with a giant grin on her face.

"He said one day you'll leave this world behind." She started as she pushed herself up to her feet. She looked at her father who had a horrified face but she smiled at him, "So live a life you will remember." She said as she raised her metal gloved hand, the stones floating to position themselves on her.

The power surging in her body as she struggled to stand on her feet, "My father told me when I was just a child..." she said as the power surges through her body, "These are the battles that never die." She said and looked away from Tony to look at Thanos.

"My father told me..." she said and snapped her fingers. A burst of light enveloped them and when it disappeared, the team looked around to see Thanos turning to dust but they all turned to look for the Stark girl.

"Harlow?" Tony asked as Pepper helped him up. "Harlow?" he called out. He looked around, tears filling his eyes. "Harlow!" he yelled. He stumbled to the place where his daughter once stood.

"Where is she? Pepper where did she go?" he asked as he looked at his wife. The woman was crying and shook her head, "I don't- I didn't see-" "Where did she go?!" he yelled as he looked around the team who was too shocked to comprehend.

Tony Stark let out a sob, "Where did she go?"


Surprise! I'm back and with another story. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Disclaimers!

1. This is set in a very alternate universe (Yes, Allison is alive and Kira is still there as well as Cora did return to Beacon Hills) (And yes, everything in the Teen Wolf show has happened but the pack are still in high school, just finishing up high school that is).

2. The science about the stones and Harlow's connection are made up by me and only me for the sake of the story line.

3. Yes, I will resurrect multiple characters from the MARVEL universe as the story progresses, for story context of course.

4. I DO NOT own the Teen Wolf cast nor the AVENGERS cast, I only own Harlow Twist Stark and that's about it.

5. Welcome to my newest addiction to Teen Wolf more specifically with Derek Hale.

See you around babes.


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