the end.

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Hello there Nocturnal Babes!

This is the official end of this solo book; "normality" a Marvel x Teen Wolf story. It's my first ever Teen Wolf and Derek Hale story so I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. Unlike my other books, I do not plan on making a spin off of some kind. I think Harlow and Derek have their happy ending already and I don't dare disturb that.

But do not fret, I am working on a few other stories (fanfics and an original story) that will be coming in soon. I know it's been a while but I hope this story have repaid the time I was gone.

So as of today, July 4, 2021, this is the official end of Harlow Stark and Derek Hale's story.

I would like to thank my sister, who was shocked that I have finished this story very quickly but I was very much excited and motivated in doing so. To MissVenna who is still there for every book I post and publish, love you.

I just also wanted to thank everyone who read and will read this story. This story gave me insane flashbacks back when I was first writing and publishing the story "This Love is Tainted." I am very thankful for those who added this story to their reading lists and to those who votes. Thank you very much.

I give credits to Jeff Davis and the MCU for the characters that have become a part of this book. As well as to Alycia Debham Carrey that was the faceclaim for Harlow Stark.

Thank you again babes, I hope to see you in my new series soon!

-issay (July 4, 2021)

normality | Marvel x Teen Wolf (A Derek Hale Story)Where stories live. Discover now