chapter 15. the return and admitting

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Thor was walking back in the compound. He had just returned from New Asgard to visit Valkyrie and Korg. He walked in casually and was greeted with Morgan running to him.

"Come quick Uncle Thor!" the little Stark yelled. "Slow down little princess." Thor said with a chuckle. "Quick! You're gonna love this!" she yelled.

The God of Thunder furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but let the little girl pulling him. When they reached the small holding cell where the rest of the team was, Clint was the first one to notice him.

The archer nudged Steve who turned to see Thor and Morgan. The super soldier motioned for Peter and Harley to take the little girl away. Morgan waved away to Thor and gladly joined her adoptive brothers somewhere.

"Thor..." Steve said with a sigh. "What is going on Captain?" the god asked. The super soldier sighed, "Another stone is assumed to surface." Steve said. Thor furrowed his eyebrows, "That is great news yes?" he asked.

"It is." "Then what is wrong?" Thor asked again. "Well-" "Let me out!" a familiar voice yelled. Thor's eyes widened and Steve sighed. The soldier moved to the side to let the god walk in the room.

"I am telling you I don't remember how I am here or how I dropped from a portal!" the voice yelled. The team moved to the side when Thor walked closer. Behind the glass sat Loki, his brother.

His eyes started to water and he looked at Natasha who tilted her head at him. He nodded and grabbed a plastic bottle. The door opened and despite the emotion he felt, Thor walked in the room where his supposed dead brother sat in.

"Finally. Thor-" Loki was cut off with the bottle hitting him in the head. The god of mischief scoffed, "Really?" he asked. Thor shrugged, "I had to make sure you were real." He said as he studied the body.

"Thor. It's me." Loki said with a sigh. "How do I know that?" Thor asked. The two gods stared at each other, and Loki sighed, "When we were little, I turned myself into a snake and bit you." The raven haired god said.

With that statement, Thor let tears fall from his eyes. "It's really you." He muttered. "It's me brother-" Thor was quick to pull his brother to his arms. Loki felt his lips turn upward and patted the blonde's back.

"How?" Thor asked as he pulled away. "I felt a surge of energy and I fell from the sky." Loki explained. "What kind of energy?" Tony asked as he walked in.

Loki furrowed his eyebrows, "The space stone. I felt the space stone." He said. Tony sighed and looked at Thor, the older Odinson knew what it meant. "What?" Loki asked the two men glancing between them.

Tony nodded to Thor and walked out, leaving the door open. "Thor." Loki said and the older brother sighed, "A lot happened after your death brother. Come, I shall tell you." He said and led Loki out.

The god of mischief furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but followed his brother out to listen what could possibly happened and how he was back in the land of the living.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Melissa McCall walked out of the room only to be met by the girls asking a bunch of questions. She raised her hand up, "Girls, relax." She said.

Lydia sighed, "Derek's gonna kills us." The banshee whined and the girls gulped. "How is she?" Cora asked. Melissa was about to answer when a barreling McCall pack entered the hallway.

Stiles, Liam and Isaac quickly bombarding Melissa with questions but the woman's eyes were on Derek Hale who was forced to sit down by her son. "Derek." She said which made everyone quiet down.

Derek felt numb and empty. He could not believe that Harlow got hurt and he wasn't there to do anything. He felt useless and in pain just thinking about it.

When he didn't move, Melissa sighed and moved to him. She crouched in front of the boy making him look at her. "They're just finishing up and then you can check up on her." She whispered.

He nodded in thanks and placed his head in his hands. Melissa's shoulders slumped and stood up, "You. Teens, go get Derek something to eat." She ordered them.

"Ugh Mel I'm pretty sure that one or two people can do that-" Stiles cut himself off when he saw the look the woman sent him. "Okay we'll go." He mumbled and pulled Lydia away and the other following him.

Cora looked at her brother with a sigh. Isaac placed a hand on her back and she looked at him. "Go. I'll stay with Derek." She whispered.

Isaac nodded and kissed her head, "I'll be back soon." He said and Cora sent him a small smile. When he was gone, Melissa turned to Cora, "I'll get back in there and get with you two later." She said.

"Thank you Melissa." Cora muttered and the McCall nodded. Cora sighed as she sat next to her brother, she placed a hand on his arm and laid her head on his shoulder.

The siblings sat there in silence. Cora frowning as she felt the immense guilt and worry Derek was feeling. "There you two are." They heard Peter's voice.

Cora sent her uncle a warning look but Peter sighed and sat in front of the siblings. "Derek." Peter said and he looked up at his uncle. Peter sent him a look, "You can't see her with those emotions." The eldest Hale said.

Derek knew he was right but he couldn't help it. Harlow was hurt and he wasn't there to prevent it. "Tell me the truth Derek. What is with this girl that has got you all worked up?" Peter asked.

The youngest Hale glared at her uncle but knew his intentions were good. She knew that this was the most normal family conversation they had despite the situation.

Derek stared at his uncle, his heart in his sleeve as he breathed slowly. Peter kept his stare with him and raised an eyebrow. "Our life was never normal." He started and Cora moved to get a better look on her brother.

Peter nodded and motioned for him to continue. Peter may be a lot of things but he will always be great in listening to his family. "And she's the only normal I have." Derek said as a tear fell from his eye.

Cora watched in shock as her brother broke down his walls. Of all people, she didn't expect him to open up to their psychotic uncle but how can she judge, Peter was there for most of Derek's life, he knew his nephew more than anyone and Cora knew that.

"Albeit she's her..." Derek trailed pointing out the fact that she was a Stark and an Avenger. "She's not like us and I don't want her to end up like us." Derek said as he glanced at Cora who nodded in understanding.

"She's my normal." Derek whispered as he looked back to Peter. The Hale Uncle hummed and nodded, "Then go and pick yourself up so you can be there for her when she wakes up." He said.

"You're not gonna stop me or tell me that she needs to be a werewolf to be with me?" Derek asked his uncle. For the first time in a very long time, Peter Hale smiled at his nephew with nothing but pure happiness for him.

"No." Peter said which made Cora furrow her eyebrows at him, "She hasn't ran away Derek. Not even after everything. She's a tough cookie to crack. I think she's good for you just the way she is." Peter admitted.

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