chapter 11. the feelings

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After Harlow's song, Scott and Malia helped Harlow in bringing the sleeping Liam to his tent. Scott put Liam on his shoulders as Malia and Harlow grabbed his things.

The rest of the pack sat in silence, the crackling fire and the subtle sounds of the woods were the only things they heard. Derek stared at the fire, his mind haywiring with thoughts.

These past two weeks was something Derek will never forget, meeting Harlow turned his whole like around. From feeling like he was just passing through life to actually living with someone he just met.

"Derek." Lydia called. The former alpha looked at her and saw the strawberry blonde smiling at him. "You know, I think Harlow is a great addition to us. Don't you think?" she asked.

He didn't know if she was teasing or not, so he shrugged. Isaac chuckled, "Oh come Derek. It's just us. We have gone through so much. You can be transparent with us." He said.

He looked around to see the pack looking at him with soft eyes, even the sarcastic Stiles. He sighed and looked at Harlow who was laughing at something Malia had said to a sleeping Liam.

Her laughter fluttered around them and his heart skipped a beat. "Derek..." Cora trailed catching the attention of the older Hale. Derek looked at his sister with glossy eyes.

"You can tell us." She encouraged him. "Why are you guys so adamant on knowing how I feel?" he asked glancing at the rest of the pack. Allison smiled at him, "Because I think we all know that at some point Harlow's gonna leave." She said quietly.

Derek's heart broke at the thought. He hadn't admit it yet, to himself or to anyone much less to Harlow about the butterflies he felt, the spark that flowed through his skin every time they touched, the never ending skipping of his heart or the breathless feeling he would feel every time she laughed or smiled at him.

He sighed, "I know she's gonna leave. That's why I don't get why you guys are pestering me about my feelings." He said with a frown. "I don't see the point if she's gonna leave and she will because come on, Beacon Hills over New York?" he asked as he looked around.

Stiles shrugged, "You chose Beacon Hills over New York Derek." He started making the rest of them nod. "You could have left after the whole Jackson thing and after the whole Alpha Pack and Darach thing even after the whole hunters and everything. But you keep coming back." Stiles continued.

Derek sighed and pursed his lips, "Because I had to-" "No you didn't." Lydia cut him off. He raised an eyebrow at her, a motion for her to continue. "You could have kept your distance but you didn't. It wasn't your responsibility in the end to save and stay with us. And yet you did." She explained.

"What are you saying?" Derek asked them. Isaac hummed, "We're saying, you didn't leave because you found something here. I mean even Cora returned and no one expected that." He said motioning to the girl in his arms.

He looked at them confused and Cora sighed. "We're saying, if you figure it all out, maybe yes Harlow will leave but she'll have something to come back to." She said softly.

Derek stared at Cora. The sister knew the look of hesitance in his face. It was the same look that he wore when Paige had died. Hesitant to continue and live.

Cora moved out of Isaac's arms and moved to her brother. She grabbed his hand, "You smile differently." She started as she stared at his eyes. "It reaches your eyes, something I haven't seen in a very long time and I think you don't wanna lose that." She whispered.

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