chapter 32. the eavesdropper

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Harlow walked around the woods. Letting her feet take her deeper and deeper in the forest. She didn't know where she was going but she didn't care.

Her heart thumping in her chest as the voices in her head started to get clearer. Laughter and conversations filling her head.

She stopped at a spot where she pictured camp site took place, ""Yeah?" he asked. "You play the guitar?" she asked as she pointed out the instrument. The boy nodded, "Yeah. Been playing since I was in middle school, helps with the whole anger thing." He said.

Harlow smiled at the instrument, "Wait, you play right?" Stiles asked the girl. She shrugged, "Sometimes." She said as she grabbed the marshmallow from someone's hand and popped it in her mouth.

He scoffed and grabbed another one from the plastic bag skewering it in his stick. "No. You do, I saw a video of you in Times Square, you were dared to play."

She suddenly found herself by a cliff side. Harlow breathed in and out and closed her eyes.

It was quiet and peaceful when she heard walking. "I found you." He said and she chuckled. Opening her eyes she saw Pietro standing in front of her.

"You did. But I wasn't hiding." She muttered and he scoffed walking to her. "Yeah well everyone's looking for you." He whispered and she nodded.

"My feet brought me here." She whispered and he nodded as he sat next to her. They sat in silence as they watched the sun set and the lights of the town slowly turning on.

"It's a nice place." Pietro whispered looking at his friend and she hummed and nodded. "I was here." She whispered and his eyes widened, "You remembered something?" he asked.

Harlow laughed and shook her head, "I like to tell myself that." She said and he shook his head, "You're complicated." He whispered and she chuckled. "I know." She said with a nod.

Harlow breathed in and smiled. He watched her from the side and she chuckled to herself. "What are you laughing at?" he asked as his lips turned up into a smile.

"Just at how normal this all feels." She said and turned to him. "You like it?" he asked. She scoffed, "Out of all the distractions you made? Yeah I particularly enjoy this one."

"Normal." She muttered making Pietro look back at her, he sighed and stood up. He walked in front of her and grabbed her hand, "You'll remember." He whispered.

She bit her lip and run her hands over his knuckles, "You think so?" she whispered and he nodded. "I believe. That's what we all did when we saved you." He said.

Harlow looked at him and smiled, "Yeah..." she trailed and he suddenly crossed his eyes making her laugh. She was about to say something when they heard a rustle.

They both turned but nothing was there. Harlow furrowed her eyes, she thought she saw blue glowing eyes but as she blinked they were gone.

"I'm gonna check it out-" "Don't. It might be a wolf." She cut him off. Pietro rolled his eyes, "Har I faced robots, I think I'll be fine." He said getting ready to speed but Harlow placed a hand on his arm.

"Don't. Just leave it." She said still looking at the place. "Let's just go home." She whispered and Pietro sighed. "Fine. Come on." He said pulling her sleeve and they walked away.

Unbeknownst to them, the black wolf with glowing blue eyes overheard them.

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