chapter 28. the full moon

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Harlow laid on the sofa. She had instinctively moved it in front of the big window of the compound where she can see the full moon.

After being woken up by her dad and the small argument they had, she had walked up to her room but she couldn't find sleep. It was as if worry filled her but she couldn't understand why.

So she found herself walking back down. Most of the team was asleep anyway, when she passed the window, she had caught sight of the moon. She walked closer to the window and gaped at the moon.

She wrapped her arms around herself, the gut wrenching worry filling her and yet she couldn't pin point the reason why she was feeling that way.

At some point in her restless state, she had moved the sofa and laid on it. She laid on her side and stared at the moon. "Why?" she whispered.

"Harlow?" she heard her father ask. She sighed in defeat, "What are you doing here?" he asked softly. "I don't know. And I don't expect you to tell me, not anymore." She said coldly.

Tony sighed and was about to sit but she stopped him, "Can I just please be alone?" she asked. He shook his head and she let out a scoff, "Dad, I want to be alone." She said.

"Harlow keep your voice down." Tony said as they noticed lights turning on. "No. Dad I want to be alone right now." "Why?" Tony asked stubbornly.

"Tony?" Pepper asked and Harlow groaned, "Why? Because you don't help me remember." She spat. "Harlow." Natasha scolded her. The original six AVENGERS awake and up but the girl shook her head.

Harlow looked at her father, "You don't want me to remember and god knows why but I don't care. What I care about is if ever I'm gonna remember or not alone because I'm sure as hell you all don't help me to." She said pointing at them.

"That's not true Harlow." Clint said but she scoffed, "Oh really? I only train even if you all proved that I am back in my shape and can fight the same but you never once told me I would try to remember and I've been doing it on my own." She said as she snickered.

"Harlow-" "No. Me remembering that song was because I found it in my jacket." She said pointing out the song she sang the other day.

The team watching her as she run her fingers through her hair. "Me remembering the triskelion was me dreaming about it and this, the moon, it's making me feel worried." She admitted.

"Worried about what?" Steve asked her but she shook her head again, "Don't worry, it doesn't have anything to do with you or this stupid front you put up to me." "Harlow." Pepper scolded her.

"It's the truth Pepper. I worry about something I can't even remember and the moon isn't helping." She said as tears flooded her eyes. "Harlow, you love the moon." Bruce whispered.

This made her laugh bitterly, "You don't think I know that?" she asked sarcastically as tears poured down her cheeks. "I'm so confused and you won't give me answers so I'm gonna find out myself." She said as she sat back down and looked at the sky.

The full moon still looking down at her, "I hope it's okay. Whatever it is. I hope it's okay." She whispered to herself.

Pepper and Natasha sent a look to Tony who clenched his jaw. "We need to ask them." Steve whispered pulling the team away from the girl who wanted to be alone.

"We're not-" "We're not doing it your way anymore Tony. She's getting more hurt." Pepper cut her husband off. Clint looked back at the girl, "We gotta ask them Stark. She has never acted this way." He said and Bruce hummed in agreement.

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