chapter 26. the jacket

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Liam watched the news and sighed, "Harlow Stark, once presumed dead was actually missing and is back and at it. She had been seen doing simple exercises with her sister and adoptive brothers just outside their compound today."

The beta werewolf walked to the high school with a frown. The last news they got from Harlow's family was she forgot. Ever since then Harley Keener had been told by Mr. Stark to tell them that Harlow still needed time to recover and wait out if she'll start to remember.

Liam saw Cora and Malia walk together with frowns. He walked to them and sent them small smiles, "How's Derek?" he asked quietly. Malia clenched her jaw, she was upset because the family had promised for the pack to help Harlow remember but right now all they did was shut them out.

Cora sighed, "He has been staying at the old Hale house. He hasn't step foot in the loft ever since we found out she forgot." She explained.

Isaac and Scott appeared and wrapped their arms around their girls. Liam sighed and shrugged, "I don't blame him." She started as they walked through the halls.

"She made it home and it doesn't feel that way anymore." He whispered making them nod. Stiles and Lydia appeared from another hallway, "Hear anything from them?" Scott asked Stiles.

The human had been the only contact with Harley Keener they had. He sighed and shook his head, "The only thing we know about Harlow is through the news." He said with a sigh.

Lydie pursed her lips, "I miss her." She whispered and Malia growled, "They're shutting us out. Harlow didn't want that." She said offended at the action.

Scott sighed and pulled her close to calm her down, "She needs to recover." He explained. "Yeah well the way I see it, they don't want her to remember." She said.

"Malia-" "No. Cora, don't you guys see it? They know that once Harlow remembers she's gonna leave them." Malia cut her cousin off. The rest of them shared a look and sighed, "They know she'll choose Derek." She finished and walked off, passing Allison and Kira.

Scott sighed again watching his girlfriend run off. "I'll try asking Harley again." Stiles muttered and they dispersed. The moment Harlow left, Beacon Hills had turned into a bore. Even the adults agreed with that.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow laughed as she watched Pietro play with Morgan while Peter and Harley splashed each other. They were back at the Stark's lake house.

It's been almost a month since the stones thing. The moment she was out of bed rest, she had looked for Steve.

"You should be resting." Steve said as he placed another punching bag on the hook. She sighed, "Yeah well I felt like people are hiding something from me." She said as she watched one of her best friends punch the bag.

"So what are you doing here?" he asked as he stopped and turned to look at her. He unwrapped his hands and she sighed walking to the bench and sitting down. "Because you never lie to me." She said.

Steve chuckled, "They're lying to you Harlow." He said. She scoffed, "They're hiding something from me." She grumbled. Steve shook his head in amusement and sat down next to her. "They just want you to recover Harlow. We all want that." He explained.

"I know but I really want to remember." She said as she turned to him. He smiled at her and tilted his head, "We'll work on that. What you need to do is rest and the moment you feel up to it you can come back to me and I'll help you investigate." He said.

She chuckled and nodded. She stood up and gripped her necklace feeling the same ache in her heart.

"Hey." Wanda said as she sat next to her. Harlow turned and smiled, "I found something." The witch said. The Stark raised her eyebrow at her and Wanda chuckled, she placed a jacket on her lap.

Her eyes blinked and the smile slowly washed away. "It was what you wore when we found you." She said. Harlow got told that the moment she was missing for months before she got home.

The moment her eyes landed on the jacket, a warm feeling filled her up. She furrowed her eyebrows as she touched it, her mind was trying to remember but she just couldn't.

"Harlow?" Wanda asked. "I just, I'm trying to remember." She whispered and sighed. She looked at Wanda and smiled, "I should go and help Pepper with the food." She said and stood up as she gripped the jacket in her hand.

"Do you think that was a good idea?" Loki asked as Wanda stood up. The witch sighed and looked at him, "The others aren't doing anything. Harlow wanted to be reminded of them, the least we can do is try." She said.

"We aren't even sure she will." Loki said with a frown. Wanda and Loki had bonded after everything, creating an unlikely pair but Harlow saw it coming. She always said that Loki would have seen Wanda as interesting.

"Wanda-" "You didn't see her like I did Loki. She smiled like there was no tomorrow, she loved him so much. I don't want to take that away." She whispered. The god sighed and nodded as they turned to see Pietro catch Morgan for the hundredth time.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow was walking to the kitchen when she decided to check the pockets of the jacket. She was fumbling with it when she felt pieces of paper in one of them.

She furrowed her eyebrows and took them out. She opened it to see chords and some lyrics. She was wracking her brain of any clue but she didn't get any. She sighed and placed them back on the pocket and walked to the kitchen where Pepper and Natasha were cooking.

"Need some help?" she asked. The two women smiled and nodded. "Yeah we're just waiting for Vision." Pep said. Harlow nodded and moved to wash her hands.

"So me and your dad have been talking..." Nat trailed. She hummed and looked at her, "We have decided to slowly bring back to training." She said.

Harlow pursed her lips, "Um, is that really the first thing you want me to do?" she asked. The women shared a look, "I mean I think I should remember first right?" she asked.

Pepper sighed, "Sweetheart, you'll get there but you need to be back into it first. Physically and mentally ready right?" she asked. Harlow sighed and nodded. She glanced at the jacket and pursed her lips.

"You know what I think I have a question for Harley." She said and walked out the kitchen, grabbing her jacket in the process. Leaving the two women, "She's gonna figure it out." Pepper said.

"I tried telling Tony but he thinks she needs to be with us so she doesn't completely abandon us." Nat explained. Pepper rolled her eyes, 'The longer he keeps this up, the more pain she'll feel when she does find out." She grumbled.

"Hey you're the one that married him." Nat teased and Pepper huffed, "I know right."

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