chapter 19. the annoying puppies

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Wanda gasped and sat up, she looked around to see the team. Her mind was still running from the things she saw, she was pulled out of her thoughts when Vision gripped her hand, "Wanda." He said.

She looked at him and then to Tony, "I saw her." She muttered making everyone's eyes widen. They watched her closely as her eyes tear up, she let out a shaky laugh and smiled, "She's happy." She said as she stared at Tony.

The man felt his heart leap as his eyes started to tear up as well. A ghost smile present on his lips, "She looks so happy." Wanda said as a tear slipped from her eye.

Everyone was silent for a moment, no one knew what to say or what to do. The information shocking everyone, they didn't know what to do with it.

"She wants to stay wherever she is." Wanda suddenly said. Natasha, Clint and Steve sharing a look, "So she is hiding." Tony muttered. He didn't know what to feel.

If Wanda was right then his daughter is happy wherever she was but the fact that she was still in danger because of the stones. "I saw the stones." Wanda said cutting off Tony's thoughts.

She looked at Stephen, Peter Quill, Loki and Vision, "They were dull." She whispered. "Then the power is definitely in Harlow." Thor concluded.

"She didn't feel that way, she was with someone. She only radiated of happiness and peace and love." She explained looking at everyone.

"She's in love?" Tony asked, conflicted on the news that kept pouring out. Wanda nodded, "She's so happy Tony. Whoever this person is, he makes her smile like I haven't seen before." She explained.

"Anything else Wanda?" Steve asked glancing at Tony. "The suit it was out of the necklace." She said looking at Bruce and Tony. The doctor nodding, "A better chance. If we can hack the firewall of her privacy settings then we can locate-" "California." Wanda cut Bruce off.

"What?" Tony asked, hope filling his chest. "She's in California I don't the specifics but I saw a town, it's small and I saw a California sign but..." She trailed looking down at her hands.

"But what?" Rhodey asked her. She sighed, "The town, it's being covered with what I think is the power of the reality stone." She muttered looking back up.

"Her own town protected by the reality stone." Loki summarized. "By why the reality stone?" Natasha asked. Thor furrowed his eyebrows as Carol walked up to them, "Because, the time stone can only change time, space can open portals, power can destroy, mind can control, soul can take and create life but reality is the most probable one to use in earth. To feed the want of the host-"

"Normal." Wanda cut her off. "That's what her and the guy said. You are my normal and that's all I want. That's what she said." Wanda said with a sigh. She knew that this conversation was breaking Tony's heart and she hated it but they needed to know.

"Whatever the host wants, the stones will give so, if normal is what she wants then reality can give that." Loki said with a nod understanding everything. Everyone looked at him, a sign for him to elaborate.

He gulped, he had never experienced this before and he stuttered. But Thor placed a hand on his shoulder, "Go on brother." He said and Loki nodded looking back at the team.

"Harlow being the host, she doesn't want to go back in time or get revenge or revive or kill someone or destroy something so reality is what works." He explained.

"Whatever it is we're getting closer. We have a place and there's only one last stone left." Clint said and Natasha gulped, "Soul." She muttered making everyone turn to her with a grim face.

"We'll work on getting the firewall down Mr. Stark." Harley said as Peter followed him out. "Then we wait." Steve said and the team nodded.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow stared at the reality stone and pursed her lips. They were back at the loft after their day at the lake and her moment by the cliff side with Derek.

She placed the stone down with the rest of them. She stared at the soul stone and sighed. The loft doors suddenly opened and she turned and smiled.

The pack has been spending time at the loft because of semester break so they were happy enough to help Harlow with all her tech things.

"Where's Derek?" Isaac asked as he plopped on the couch followed by Liam who started to play his guitar that he lent to Harlow. "Taking a shower." She said as she wiped her hands with a towel.

"And you didn't join him." Malia teased making Harlow blush. The other laughed and she scoffed, "Will you stop insinuating about our sex life?" she asked her.

Allison smirked, "So there is a sex life." She sang and Harlow turned around jumping on her seat, typing away on her laptop. Lydia laughed and sat next to her, "What's the plan after the stones?" the strawberry blonde asked.

"Well I was thinking of ways to use the blank and dull reality stone to use on the barrier. That's where most of the power is." Harlow answered with a shrug.

"And the others?" Scott asked the Stark. Harlow frowned, she didn't want to admit it but she knew she had to now. "What?" Cora asked her now best friend in worry.

Harlow pursed her lips, "If I can't find a way to put the powers back, I think I have to ask for help." She whispered looking at each and one of them.

Just in perfect timing Derek walked down the spiral staircase, hearing the statement. He sent her a small smile, the two had been talking about it and Derek wanted to keep Harlow safe.

And Harlow didn't feel safe with the stones' power in her and if that meant going to New York, he'll let her because he knew that she'll come back to him. He believed that she always will.

"So you are leaving?" Stiles asked upset. The pack had grown fond of the Stark girl. If they were vocal about it, they would sound selfish. Harlow sent them a smile, "I'll just be gone for a few days to fix it but I'll always come back." She reassured them.

Her heart broke at the expressions they wore, she looked at Derek who had a soft look on his face. She sighed and walked to the couch, she sat next to Liam and motioned for the others to follow.

Derek stood to the side, watching her interact with the pack. Stiles jumped on her other side because Liam already claimed the other one. Isaac and Cora sat below Liam while Malia and Scott below Stiles as Lydia sat on the human's lap. Kira and Allison sat in front of her.

Harlow felt her heart swell, she smiled at them. "Listen to me, whatever happens, I want you all to remember how important you are to me." She started. She sniffed and laughed as she tried to control her tears.

"This, what we built and created is something that I will remember okay? No matter what happens, you gotta believe that okay?" she asked. Derek furrowed his eyebrows.

He heard her heart lurch and he knew the others did too. Liam gripped her hand and she smiled, "No matter what happens, you, the very annoying and sweet puppies will be in my heart." She whispered as she glanced at Derek.

There was something to what she was saying and he didn't know if he liked it or not. Harlow chuckled, "How about we order some pizza and Kira and Allison can grab their cookies in the kitchen so we can watch movies?" she suggested.

The teens jumped and nodded, Liam, Cora and Isaac ran upstairs to collect blankets, Allison and Kira were helped by Scott and Malia to get the cookies while Lydia and Stiles ordered the pizza.

Harlow sighed and closed her eyes. She felt Derek sit beside her, "Do I have a space in that heart of yours?" he whispered. She smiled and nodded, opening her eyes and cupping his face, "You hold my heart Derek." She said.

Derek smiled and pulled her to a kiss.She breathed in and kissed back, not wanting the moment to end. There was something behind her words and it did not sit well with him.

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