chapter 27. the triskelion

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Harlow didn't get to talk to Harley last week. His final test to get in to Stark Industries was happening and she can't exactly ask Peter because he didn't know jack about playing an instrument.

So there she was again, accompanying her baby sister to the lake. She started humming as she absentmindedly drew on the small patch of sand by the lake.

"What's that?" Bucky asked as he sat next to her. "I can never have a time to myself huh?" she asked as she smiled at him. Bucky laughed, "Hey I'm your best friend, you don't get to sass me." He joked.

Harlow rolled her eyes, "Not that deep Morgan!" she yelled. "Okay!" the little girl yelled. She sighed and looked at the drawing, she furrowed her eyebrows as she drew the same symbol she had been dreaming of.

"You know what it means?" Bucky asked. She shrugged, "No." she muttered but her heart lurched. It was as if saying that she did but she just couldn't remember. "It's a triskelion, a celtic symbol that represents a cycle." He explained as he pointed to each spiral.

"It could be, birth, death and rebirth." He said as he looked at her. She nodded in understanding, she stared at it as she heard something.

A whisper, "Alpha, Beta, Omega." She suddenly said. "What?" Bucky asked. Harlow shook her head, "In wolves, there's alphas, betas and omegas. It fits perfectly in this." She muttered.

Bucky nodded and smiled, "It does." He said. She hummed and then sighed, "Do you think I'll remember Buck?" she asked. "If you want to, you can." He said.

"When you forgot, how did you remember?" she asked him. He hummed and pursed his lips, "I saw Steve and then from then I visited places that I have small patches of memory." He explained.

"So Steve was like the fire that started for you to remember?" she asked. Bucky nodded, "He was." He said. "But I don't know what's mine." She whispered.

He chuckled, "Well, I have known you for a while and I have to say this is the first time you drew that." He said pointing back at the symbol.

Harlow pursed her lips, "So it's something." She concluded, "It could be." He said. "You know you're not much help." She said and he smirked at her, "I know." He said.

She scoffed and pushed him to the ground. He laughed and she just smiled.

She looked back at the triskelion and sighed. It was so familiar she just can't remember.

 It was so familiar she just can't remember

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"Hey Harley." She said. The boy smiled at her older sister, "Hey H. They you've been looking for me?" he asked her. She hummed and nodded as she picked out the pieces of paper from her jacket.

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