chapter 9. the black wolf

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Tony was in the lab with Peter and Harley. The two kids accompanying the Stark patriarch. They were helping him in tracking the suit with Bruce while Wanda, Stephen and the others were trying to find any sign of the stones.

They were buried in work when beeping was heard. "FRIDAY what is it?" Tony asked still typing away on his phone.

"A short signal of suit number 32 was found." The A.I. said. Tony flew out of his chair to move to a monitor. "Where?" he asked frantically as Harley greeted the team that walked in.

"The signal was cut off after a minute, with it being weak and the short amount of time, I didn't get a close signal." FRIDAY said. "But..." Tony trailed.

"The signal is in America." FRIDAY said. Tony looked at the team with tear filled eyes. "She's here." He muttered. Wanda nodded, "I feel her too, I just need more time Tony." She said.

The father nodded, "Yeah, we all do." He muttered as he turned back around.

»»————- ★ ————-««

A day and a half had passed and Harlow had yet to get out of her room. Derek didn't even stay in the loft. He was too guilty at what happened.

The pack had decided to skip school and explain to the girl. When Cora opened the loft door she saw Peter sitting on the sofa.

Her blood boiled, she was mad that he ruined Derek's chance in finally getting what makes him happy. "You have a lot of nerve showing yourself here." Cora growled as she grabbed Peter by the shirt and smashed him to a wall.

Peter held his hands up, "Hey I was just being honest with her." He said. "Derek was finally happy you dipshit! You always ruin things you know that right?!" Cora yelled.

Isaac pulled her by the waist, "Babe relax." He whispered. But as Cora settled into his arms Malia punched her father in the jaw making the man fall on the floor.

"You're a real dick." She said and moved to throw another blow but Scott pulled her back. Stiles already moved to grab Lydia as Liam did the same to Allison and Kira.

"She was bound to find out." Peter reasoned as he spat blood on the floor. "You're gross you know that right?"

The pack turned to see Harlow standing at the bottom of the spiral stairs. She had a blank look on. "Do you know how hard it is to clean blood on hard wood floors?" she asked Peter who scoffed.

"So you decided to get out of your room after all." Peter taunted her. Harlow narrowed her eyes at him, "If I was scared, I would have ran away Peter. I just needed to figure out why I didn't get told about this the moment I told my story." She said as she crossed her arms.

Harlow finally looked at the pack and raised her eyebrows, "I mean, really? I had to find out through Cora's crazy psychopath uncle?" she asked with a smirk.

Their hearts calmed down when they saw the same glint in her eyes. Stiles and Liam were the first ones to break, barreling to her and engulfing her in hugs.

They started rambling and she chuckled, "It's fine. I understand just a little shocked and offended actually." She admitted as her eyes met with Scott.

The alpha sighed, "I wanted to tell you Harlow. It's just Derek wanted you to feel-" "Normal. I know." She finished for him. The pack didn't know what to do when Stiles and Liam pulled away from her.

normality | Marvel x Teen Wolf (A Derek Hale Story)Where stories live. Discover now