chapter 24. the ritual

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow sat quietly in the car of her father as she looked out the window. Steve sitting in the passenger seat with Wanda beside her.

She didn't utter a word, the tears stopped so did the sobbing but the pain was there. Not just from the stones but also for leaving her new family.

She wanted to stop the car and run back to Derek's arms where she belonged but she knew she couldn't. Because she had to protect them, she was dangerous at the moment and she knew that.

Tony kept glancing at her in the rear view mirror. He was glad to have her back but the blank look on her face broke his heart.

When they arrived in New York and in the compound, away from the media and prying eyes, Harlow was the first one out of the car.

She felt hot, and not the good kind. She ran to the back, she heard the others yelling for her but she didn't stop. The rain started to pour, she took off her jacket throwing it somewhere it wouldn't get wet.

Harlow stood in the middle of the field, breathing heavily. Feeling the rain on her skin as she pushed the power down. Tony was about to run to her but Thor and Loki stopped him.

She tried, she really did but it was too much. The pain was too much, she let out an ear piercing scream as she fell to her knees. A burst of power was released, the colors of the stones surrounding her.

The team watched in stunned silence when she stopped. She was breathing heavily. Tony couldn't take it anymore, he ran to her and pulled her into his arms.

Harlow started crying, "I'm sorry dad." She cried. He cried with her as he kissed her head, "I didn't mean to hide. I didn't mean to abandon you." She admitted as she looked at him.

Tony smiled and nodded, "I know and I understand." He said as he wiped away her tears. "Dad..." she trailed and he raised his eyebrows at her.

"Will you promise me that when I forget, you do everything you can to make me recover quick and remember?" she asked. Harlow looked at her dad with pleading eyes.

He for the first time in a very long time the vulnerable state of his daughter. Harlow Stark learned a lot growing up and one of them is to fight. With all the fighting, she had learned to not be vulnerable.

She learned to pick herself back up after every fight but right now, Harlow Stark was devastated and in pain. "Please dad I can't lose them." She cried and Tony nodded, "The moment you've recovered, I'll lead the mission for you to remember." He said and Harlow nodded trusting her dad.

"Dad I can't control it anymore." She whispered and Tony nodded, "That's why we gotta go come on." He said as he carried her inside the compound.

Harlow slowly started to lose consciousness. "Loki what are we gonna do?" she heard someone ask. The voices started to muddle together, as her vision turned black.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Loki threw everyone that wasn't needed. He had begged Hela, Thor and his sister to talk to their mother in Valhalla for answers. Hela was hesitant but with a little explanation about the situation she agreed if only Loki will be successful in getting the balance back.

The God of Mischief got to talk with not only Frigga but also her descendants. They had taught him a very complicated spell that he had to teach to Wanda.

It took the both of them the whole time Harlow was gone to even light up a spark of it. But there were there, ushering the people they needed to their right places.

Loki picked up the stones and giving them to the people that had a connection with them. "Will this work?" Pietro asked his sister. Wanda glanced at Loki who sighed, "If we believe it will." She said.

"Very reassuring." Peter Quill said as he fumbled with the dull power stone in his hand. "Believe. That's what she said to me." Nat said as she gripped the soul stone with Pietro standing next to her.

"Okay, you gotta trust me and Loki on this." Wanda said as she stood on her place with the reality stone. She was the closest one to Harlow's unconscious body seeing as they had the most connection.

She nodded at Loki who sighed, "Remember grip the stones and keep your eyes closed." He reminded them. He looked at the one way mirror where he knew his brother stood.

Thor clenched his jaw, he didn't like the idea of going into the ritual with little practice but they didn't have a choice. He nodded at Bruce who hit a button. The compound going on lockdown, just like they did before the last battle.

Loki and Wanda nodded at each other. Motioning for Stephen to start, the doctor breathed in and clenched the time stone in his hand and whispered the chant that Loki had taught them.

As a green hue fluttered out of Harlow's body Wanda motioned for Peter Quill who followed Stephen's actions and gripped the power stone and closed his eyes and chanted.

The violet hue mixing with the green one. Wanda looked at Loki, the god nodding at Wanda to lead the others as he gripped the space stone closing his eyes and chanted louder than the first two as a sign a milestone.

The blue hue appearing around the group. It was as if the stones knew how big of an impact the space stone had in their lives. Wanda nodded to Vision who closed his palm and closed his eyes chanting the same way as Stephen and Peter.

The yellow hue just as big as the space stone and Wanda turned to her brother and best friend, she nodded at them. Natasha offered her hand to the boy who grabbed it. Nat was the one who held the stone because of the sacrifice but Pietro needed to be there because he was the one who was resurrected by it, The two of them slowly chanting together.

The orange hue added to the mix. Wanda looked at the reality stone in her hand and breathed in. Closing her eyes and gripping the stone, she chanted as loud as Loki.

The team on the other side gawking at the sight, the red hue covering the mirror, leaving them blind on what was happening, creating more tension around them.

No one had any idea on what's going on as Harlow let out a gasp and the stones sucked in the power in a flash of blinding light.

»»————- ★ ————-««

The people who held the stones let out yelps and whimpers as the stones heated up and they dropped them on the floor. Their eyes snapped open and noticed the stones back in their glowing colors.

Wanda and Nat rushed to Harlow who was still unconscious. Loki levitated the stones, placing them in their boxes as Pietro rushed to open the door.

"Did it work?" Thor asked his brother. Loki sighed and nodded as he motioned to the boxes. Bruce gathering them up and putting them on the table.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Pepper asked as Tony caressed her hair. Loki moved to stand next to the couple, "It will take time but she will. The ritual was successful." He said.

Tony finally looked up at him and nodded, "Thank you Loki." He said. The God of Mischief nodded back and looked down at the girl, "She gave me the benefit of the doubt when no one else did. It's the least I could do." He whispered.

Harlow laid there, not knowing what had happened except for being unconscious. The team sharing looks, they didn't know what would happen when she woke up but no matter what they knew they had to fix it for her.

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