chapter 5. the figuring out

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Tony refused to believe that his little girl was gone. He didn't know if it was Morgan's innocence or it was just his stubbornness.

"Tony." Steve muttered but the father ignored him. "You have got to stop this-" "Stop? How can you even say that Steve?" Tony asked as he stood up and stormed up to his friend.

Steve stood his ground as Tony paced, "She's out there. I am not believing she's dead until I see a body." He said. "Tony, the power, when Bruce did it, it messed up his arm. Harlow couldn't have survived that." The captain said.

Tony scoffed and stopped his pacing, "Don't even go there Rogers. She's my daughter! I refuse to believe it, no matter what you say. I don't care what friendship you created, she is my daughter so don't ever say shit about-"

Something in Steve snapped, it was like a switch in his emotions, "We lost her too!" he yelled which made Tony stop and look at his friend.

The father saw the hesitation in Steve's eyes. Over the years of being hostile to the super soldier, he still knew that he was a friend. He was there for Harlow when he couldn't. They were practically family but he never really had the chance to admit that to his daughter.

"She was important to us too!" Steve yelled. At that moment Tony saw the pain and hurt in his eyes. He realized that he wasn't the only one hurting. Everyone was too.

At that moment, Tony remembered all the lives that his daughter had touched. Tears flood out of his eyes, "What are we gonna do Steve? She can't be, why would her body be gone? There are so much questions here and no one knows the answers." He said with a soft voice.

The super soldier sighed, "No one has seen her since." Tony muttered. Steve then looked up and into Tony's eyes, "That's not entirely true." He said.

Tony furrowed his eyebrows as Steve raised an eyebrow at him knowingly. Suddenly realization hit the father. His mouth gaped, "Nat." they both said together.

»»————- ★ ————-««

The pack arrived at the McCall house. Harlow followed after Allison and Kira and slowly walked in the house. "Where's your mom?" Stiles asked.

"She has work." Scott said as he closed the door. Everyone settled in but Harlow stood and stared at her hands. "Harlow?" Lydia asked softly. She looked up and saw the pack looking at her.

"We can just settle down first-" "No." Harlow cut Derek off and licked her lips. She sighed and brushed her fingers through her hair.

"Remember when I said I was supposed to be dead?" she asked them and the friends nodded, "Yeah well, when you use the infinity stones together, you need to be powerful enough to stay alive. I mean, Thanos a tyrant alien had half of his body burnt, the same happened with Bruce, the literal Hulk." She said with a bitter laugh.

The pack listened closely, "But I was dead. I saw my Aunt Nat. She died too." She said with a gulp. She looked around the room, all of them wearing shocked expressions. "She sacrificed herself to get the soul stone." She whispered as she tried to connect the dots.

"When I died, I felt this energy flow in me. It was the same feeling when I snapped. I knew I could save her so I did. I brought her back." She admitted as she looked at them.

Her eyes flashing fear, the supernatural creatures smelling it. Harlow shook her head, "And then when I did, a blinding light surrounded me and I was on the road. I felt the rain on my skin, the pavement on my feet. I knew I was on Earth, I mean how couldn't I? I heard Stiles' jeep and saw the headlights." She said as she looked at both Stiles and Scott.

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