chapter 35. the memories

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow opened her eyes and sighed. She sat up and remembered what happened last night. She stretched as she heard Peter walk out of the bathroom.

"Did Melissa come in?" she asked. Peter nodded, "Yeah, I'm getting released." He said. She smiled and nodded, "Good." She said. Peter sat on the bed and tilted his head at her.

"What?" she asked with a chuckle. "Someone came in." he said and grabbed something. Moving to her, he placed a cup of coffee in front of her.

Harlow shook her head, "You know I don't drink coffee-" "I think you're gonna like this one." He whispered. She frowned and looked at the coffee cup. "Oh come on Harlow, no one's gonna poison you." He teased and she scoffed and threw a pillow at him as he raced out the door.

She gathered their things and grabbed the coffee cup. She walked out to see Melissa checking on Peter. The woman noticing her and smiled at her, "He's ready to go." She said.

"Thank you." Harlow said and Melissa hugged her. They pulled back and the Stark girl looked at the coffee cup. "Just drink it." Peter said and she pushed him.

They walked out of the hospital and Melissa fished out her phone, "She accepted the coffee."

»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow walked in their house, Peter bombarded by hugs and kisses from Morgan. She walked to the kitchen and placed the coffee on the island as she rummaged through the fridge.

"You got coffee." Steve said. She looked at him and closed the fridge. Her best friend leaning on the door frame and she hummed. "It was given to me according to Peter." She said loudly. "It's not poisoned!" Peter yelled back.

She rolled her eyes and bit into a strawberry. "Are you gonna drink it?" he asked and she shrugged. "Are you gonna throw it away?" Steve asked again and she shook her head.

"Then what are you gonna do with it?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows. Harlow looked at it and then back at Steve, "I don't know. It's coffee. I haven't tried coffee since the game which got spilled on me." She explained as she chewed the strawberry.

Steve chuckled, "Still doesn't explain why you don't wanna try it." He said and she smiled, "You're so hell bent in me drinking this." She said with raised eyebrows. "I'm just saying, it could be the mix you're looking for." He said as he walked away.

She looked at the cup and pursed her lips. She grabbed the cup and thought about it. She huffed and drank the coffee. The moment she did, the warmth of the liquid, the taste, everything about it was enough.

Everything fell into place and as she looked at the cup in her hand, her mouth fell agape. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she closed her eyes.

He looked at Harlow, "You left early." He said as he passed her the cup. She smiled in thanks, "I did. You're uncle's creepy." She sang as she moved to sit on the couch.

"Like what I said about Beacon Hills, its not about the landmarks or the history it's the person. And to me you are my breath of fresh air Derek. You are my normal and it doesn't matter that you turn into a fluffy wolf." She joked making Derek chuckle. "To me, when I'm with you, I feel normal and that's enough." She said with a smile.

"You're important to me Harlow because you brought something to my life that no one else did." He started and Harlow listened.

"And you're wrong, you do deserve that because you are important to me." He said as he walked out the door. "And until you realize that I think you need to think about it." He whispered and walked out the room.

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