chapter 12. the lacrosse game

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It was another hectic tracking day at the compound. Tony was discussing things with Harley and Peter. The theories the boys had come up with but nothing came up when they decided to test their theories out.

"We'll find her Tony." Harley said. Tony sighed but nodded. Suddenly the door of the compound opened, there entered Stephen Strange.

Tony tensed and gulped. The last time the two men saw each other was the battle. "What is it Strange?" Steve asked the doctor.

"I felt the time stone." He said which caught the attention of everyone. "What do you mean?" Bruce asked the man. Stephen sighed, "I mean the time stone was moved from its current state; the makeshift gauntlet of Harlow's suit." He explained.

"So you're saying that the stone is removed from the suit?" Scott Lang asked the sorcerer. Stephen nodded, "Yes. That is what I'm saying." He said.

"But how can that be? We haven't had a signal of the suit opening up." Peter said as he looked at Harley for confirmation. Harley nodded, "You can't get the stones without opening the suit." He said.

Tony sighed and everyone looked at him, "Not unless someone blocked the tracker." He said. Nat furrowed her eyebrows, "Someone has the suit?" Bucky asked while Wanda gulped, "Or she has it..." she trailed.

Tony looked at her with hope and the girl sighed, "I've been trying to locate her okay but there's something stopping me. Like some energy." She said.

Natasha looked at Stephen, "When you felt the time stone, was it different?" she asked. The doctor hummed and nodded, "It didn't feel compacted in the stone it was flowing and living around something." He said.

"She wasn't in the suit." Nat mumbled and furrowed her eyebrows. "Then how could she send you back?" Bruce asked her. She hummed as she tried to find answers, "Unless..." she mumbled and looked at Thor who frowned.

"The stones can lose power." He finally spoke. "What do you mean?" Steve asked as he crossed his arms. "Something phenomenal must have happened that made the stones throw away their power to something else. More likely something alive. A host." He said.

"So you're saying, the stones shoved their power in my daughter?" Tony asked the man. Thor nodded, "It would explain why she showed up without them when she met Natasha and how Wanda cannot find her yet." Thor continued.

"So Harlow's alive..." Peter trailed. "And she has the infinity stones' powers in her." Harley concluded. The team looked at each other.

"Why does it feel like it's bad that she does." Rhodey mumbled. "It is. Not only for her but for the reality we are in." Thor said as he nodded to Stephen.

"Thor's right. Essentially we stole the stones in different timelines." Stephen said. "That means until its missing. It's creating different alternative universes, trying to fix it." Bruce said with a worried tone.

"Multiple universes causes imbalance." Wanda muttered as she looked at Tony who looked like he was about to break. "Another problem arises." Clint whispered and Stephen coughed, "That's not all." He said.

Everyone looked at him again, "What else could be wrong?" Rhodey asked him. He looked at the God of Thunder who sighed, "Harlow is mortal. The power of the stones sought for a host and they found one." He explained with a grim tone.

"A host. They're gonna eat her alive." Wanda said with dread in her voice. "We gotta find her." Natasha said and Steve caught Tony who almost collapsed at the information.

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