chapter 21. the dinner

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There was a small dinner at the loft, hosted by the Hales and Harlow. The pack and their family were invited and needless to say Cora and Harlow have been running around to make sure it was perfect.

In Harlow's words, "I cannot believe we just planned this now." Derek laughed at her antics and tried her best to distract her but she was adamant on making things perfect.

The first ones to arrive was Isaac who was supposed to be there an hour ago. "Where the hell have you been?" Cora scolded her boyfriend as she straightened out her red dress that Lydia had forced her to wear for the night.

Isaac's mouth hung open, he was indeed shocked at the sight of his girlfriend in a dress like that. "Whoa." He muttered. Cora raised an eyebrow at him, "What?" she asked. He walked to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, "You are a sight to see babe. You're killing me." He said with a smirk.

Cora raised her chin and smiled slightly at the compliment. She looked at him up and down, a white button up and some dress pants, the sleeves rolled up. She pursed her lips as she unbuttoned a button or two, "Better." She whispered and winked at him.

"Oh barf." Liam said as he walked in with his father. Isaac rolled his eyes as Cora greeted Dr. Dunbar. "Not bad Dunbar." Isaac teased the youngest one of the pack.

Liam scoffed and pushed him jokingly. Liam wore a black button up and some black dress pant. Like Isaac he wore it with the sleeves rolled up.

The next one to show up was Allison and Chris Argent. Peter nodded at the ex-hunters as he hurried when he heard Cora yelling for him. Allison chuckled as she walked to the kitchen with her batch of biscuits. Her black leather skirt working well with her red long sleeved blouse that worked well with Cora's outfit.

Kira was next with her parents who immediately rushed to Allison. "I don't like this Allison." She whispered pertaining to the leather skirt that she kept pulling down.

Allison chuckled, "Will you leave it alone? It's fine." The huntress said as she pulled the Kitsune's hands of the shirt. She dusted off the white bell tops that Kira wore and smiled, "You look great and we match so shut it." Allison said making Kira sigh.

The loft doors opened again with Scott and Melissa alongside Malia. The true alpha wore a white button up with some blue dress pants and like the boys he rolled the sleeves to the elbows making Melissa roll her eyes at the slacky look her son had on.

He led Malia to where Liam and Isaac stood. The werecoyote scowling at the dress that she had to wear; a red long sleeved lace material dress that she loathed but had to wear because Lydia scared her to.

"Is there a theme with you boys?" she asked as she noticed the clothes that they were wearing. Liam scoffed, "Unlike you girls we don't need to do extravagant things for dinner which it seems you were forced to tonight." He said.

Malia growled flashing her eyes at him but Scott grabbed her waist, "Relax." He whispered and kissed her cheek making her huff.

The metal doors opened again, "The cute ones are here." Lydia announced making Stiles chuckle. The pale boy wore a white polo with his sleeves neatly folded by his elbows and some navy dress pants.

It was noticeable that Lydia picked it out, seeing that it actually fit right. The said girl wore a deep green leather top with a matching green skirt making her hair pop. The Sherriff and Natalie Martin following after them.

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