chapter 29. the package

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Another week has passed, but Harlow had started to keep to herself. Morgan was the only person she acknowledged like nothing was wrong.

Sure she was mad at her family but she would never shut her little sister out. She would interact with Peter and Harley, Wanda, Loki, Bucky and even Pietro but no one else.

She would eat breakfast then excuse herself, she started to box again but would leave when Steve would walk in the training room.

What frustrates her more is that no new things came to her, she tried playing Harley's ukulele but it didn't work, she tried looking through her MIT papers or even stay up but nothing came.

She was trying to make coffee but no matter how many times she changed it up, she didn't like it. She sighed and poured out the coffee in the sink. "Harlow." Tony said as he walked in.

Harlow walked past him but he grabbed her arm. She scoffed and pulled it away, "When are you gonna stop this hissy fit?" Tony asked her with a scowl. She snickered, "When are you gonna stop being selfish?" she asked back.

"I'm selfish?" Tony asked, his heart breaking. She hummed and nodded. "Well sorry for wanting my daughter here. Sorry for wanting my daughter to stay. Sorry, if that's selfish then so be it." He said.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "What do you mean? Me remembering won't make me go away-" "Yes it will." He said. "Why?" Harlow asked genuinely confused.

But Tony shut his mouth. He didn't want to slip up which made Harlow more pissed than before. "Really you're gonna shut up again?" she hissed.

The argument catching the team's attention. Tony stared at her as she paced. "You don't how I feel." She started. "Maybe if you tell us-" "I have been telling you!" she yelled cutting her father off.

Bucky frowned, knowing exactly how she felt. "The only person that actually knows how I feel is Bucky because he went through it but unlike him, he has Steve to remind him." She said as she looked at her best friend.

"But what do I have? Snippets of things I can't even understand and it fucking hurts me that I can't connect the dots." She said as she looked back at Tony.

"I continue having this feeling of longing something that I can't even remember." She cried out as she clenched her fist. She shook her head and wiped the stray tears on her face.

"God, why can't I remember?" she asked herself as she breathed in and out. "I just want to be normal, is that so bad?" she asked.

Wanda's eyes widened as she heard the word come out of her mouth. Before anyone else could say anything the doorbell rang. "Um, delivery for Miss Harlow Stark." A voice said through the security camera.

The girl sighed, "I'm so tired of fighting. If you don't want me to remember just tell me then I'll give up." She said and walked away.

Pepper sighed, "Are you happy now Tony? It's been what a few months? She doesn't deserve this and the people she met don't deserve this." She said following after the girl.

»»————- ★ ————-««

When Pepper caught up with her, Harlow wore a polite smile. A man was giving her a box, "Just sign here." He said handing Harlow a small clipboard.

"Alright." The girl said, pursing her lips as she signed. Pepper watched as she observed the man looking at her with a sad look. Her mouth gaped when she realized, the man looked at her and sent her a small smile.

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