chapter 18. the vision

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»»————- ★ ————-««

The next day the pack was bombarding Cora and Malia questions on where the two were. Malia didn't have an answer because she was either staying at Scott's or at her home with her adoptive dad while Cora didn't have a clue what with clingy Isaac didn't want her apart from him.

So that afternoon, as semester break started, the pack picked up some food and braced themselves to go to the loft. No one knew what happened after the small fight the pair had but when they reached the loft, they did not expect a still cuddling Derek and Harlow in the sofa.

Harlow was settled between Derek's legs as she fumbled with the mind stone in her hands while Derek was reading a book and playing with her hair.

The two of them enjoying the peace when suddenly, "What the hell?!" Stiles yelled. The pair immediately standing up in shock but their shoulders relaxed when they saw the pack staring at them with shocked expressions.

Harlow sighed while Derek rolled his eyes. He helped her back on the couch and kissed her head as he walked to the kitchen. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked as he passed them.

Liam bounded to his favorite genius with Lydia, Allison and Kira. Cora and Malia shared a look and smirked while Scott raised an eyebrow at Derek and Stiles and Isaac were arguing to themselves.

"So, everything good with you two?" Cora asked her big brother. Derek opened the fridge to pour some water for Harlow and got her pain killers. He hummed and walked pass them, "Whoa no, you gotta tell us what happened." Isaac stopped him.

"What are you teenage girls?" Derek asked as he tried to hid the grin on his lips by pursing them. "Um, we're teenage girls." Malia pointed to her and Cora with a smirk.

Derek rolled his eyes and walked to Harlow who was blushing while Kira, Allison and Lydia were giggling. He passed her the pills and the water. She sent him a smile and he kissed her forehead again before settling between her legs on the floor.

"So everything is good then." Cora concluded as she sat beside the girls. Harlow hummed and drank her pills, "Depends on what that pertains to." She said as Derek grabbed the glass so she can finish cleaning off the mind stone.

"You and Derek." Lydia said with a smirk. The pair shared a look, small smiles appearing on their faces, "Oh god, you guys slept together didn't you?" Stiles asked. Derek threw a pillow at his head making him fall off the couch.

Everyone laughed and Harlow placed her arms on Derek's shoulders as she fumbled with the mind stone. Everyone raised their eyebrows at how mundane their actions were now.

"Can you two tell us if you're together or not because I wanna know if I won against Isaac or not." Stiles whined. Harlow scoffed while Derek glared at him.

The two stayed silent, doing their thing, the pack groaned while the two smiled to themselves. "Well?" Liam asked. Derek grinned and glanced at Harlow who was still busy cleaning the mind stone, "We're us." He said. Harlow hummed and nodded, "We're normal." She said with a sly smirk.

"I'm assuming that Derek and Harlow code for yes they are together." Allison said with a smile. The pack sat back and watched as Derek and Harlow slowly melted into each other. Their hearts at peace to know that their friends are happily together.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Wanda was tucking Morgan in when she heard commotion somewhere. She kissed the littlest Stark and followed the noise. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Thor and Loki in their armor.

She walked closer and when she did she let out a gasp. There in front of Steve and Tony was the only person she didn't expect to see again.

"Vis..." she muttered. He turned to see Wanda with tears in her eyes. The team moved aside as she walked closer, "Wanda..." he muttered. He didn't look like Vision, he was flesh. Human even.

"How?" she asked breathlessly. But he didn't have an answer, "I woke up. The mind stone, it woke me up." He explained. Tony let out a breath, "She's doing it again." He said.

"Who? Why am I here? I shouldn't be here, the balance. It's dangerous." Vision said making Wanda sigh. "Something happened with the battle after you died." Steve explained. "That still doesn't explain why I'm back and like this." Vision argued.

"Vis..." Wanda whispered catching his attention, "Harlow snapped and she's missing with the stones." She said. His eyes widened, "The stones have decided to use Harlow as a host for their power." She finished.

"She will explode." Vision said making the team cringe. "Vision always has a way with words." Sam mumbled. "Tony, more people, more connection, the higher the chance to find her." Wanda said with hope.

Tony nodded, trusting her and the people around him, "Alright well, let's see what her next move is." He whispered.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Wanda was sitting on the grass as she watched Morgan chase Peter and Harley around with mud on the end of the stick. She smiled at the sight when suddenly she felt a pull in her like a power surge in her.

She closed her eyes, she knew Harlow was doing something with a stone but she doesn't know which one and why she was being affected by it.

Suddenly she felt the energy surround her and she let out a gasp. Her eyes shaded with a red color as her surroundings changed.

She saw woods and a red hue as a barrier around a town. She saw a group of people laughing and smiling, red and blue glowing eyes, fangs and a black wolf. She saw Harlow's suit and the make shift gauntlet dismantled. The time, power, space and mind stone on a table.

She saw glimpses of smiles and heard familiar laughter, she realized she landed somewhere, she turned and gasped. There by the lake were the same group of people but what made her gasp was the sight of Harlow Stark running away from a person with raven hair and green eyes. A dimpled smile settled on his face as he caught up with her.

He lifted her up and spun them around, a tattoo of a spiral on his back was what Wanda saw aside from the huge smile and bright laughter erupting from the supposed missing Harlow Stark, she realized how light the feeling was.

The people around the two cooing and teasing them as the two smiled and chuckled to themselves like they were in their own world. The scene changed to a moment by the cliff where Harlow sat with the unknown man.

The Stark snuggled close to him as he smiled at her like she was the sun and air. Harlow sighed in content, "You make me happy sourwolf." She whispered with so much love that it brought a peaceful smile to Wanda's face.

He chuckled and kissed her nose, "Well you make me feel complete Harlow." He whispered making Harlow smile. She turned so she was facing him, cupping his face with one hand and intertwining their hands with the other one.

"You're almost done in getting the stones..." he pointed out making Wanda walk closer to them. She watched as Harlow sighed, "I know." She muttered. "You're gonna leave." He said with a frown.

Wanda frowned when Harlow shook her head, "I don't want to leave and I don't have to leave if I don't need to, okay? If I can just hand them the stones and that's it, I will because I never want to leave you." She whispered as she leaned her forehead on his.

"I don't want to be selfish by keeping you here. They're your family-" "And you're my normal and that's all I want. You." She cut him off. Wanda felt a tear slide down her cheek as she watched the couple kiss under the moonlight as they sat by a cliff side where it was overlooking a town.

He pulled away and smiled at her, "No matter what happens, Harlow Stark, you are my normal and that will never change." He whispered making Harlow smile so wide. Something Wanda had never seen in her life ever, "And you are mine." She whispered as Wanda was sent away but before she was thrown back to reality, she saw a sign, California.

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