chapter 6. the creepy uncle

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Tony and Steve climbed out of the car and walked slowly to the small cabin where Bucky had been staying. The screen opened and there welcomed them was the Sergeant Barnes himself.

Bucky hugged Steve first and then nodded at Tony. The father nodding back at him. "How is she?" Steve asked his best friend. Bucky sighed, "Still trying to find answers." He said as he led the two to the house.

"I'm sorry for barging in on you two Buck." Steve apologized as he glanced at Tony who looked out the field in front of the small cabin.

"It's fine. I understand. All of us are confused to what happened and Nat's-" "The last one to see her." A voice cut him off.

The three men turned to see the Black Widow in one of Bucky's old button up tees with some leggings. The woman's hair pinned up messily, black circles under her eyes and a frown on her lips.

Her eyes moved to Tony and guilt filled her. "Tony..." she trailed but the man moved to pull her in a hug. "I'm sorry." Natasha cried and Tony could only nod.

Steve and Bucky watching the pair with frowns, when they pulled apart Tony smiled at his old friend. "Despite the situation, I'm glad you're back Widow." Tony said with a smile.

Natasha chuckled and shook her head. She bit her lip and looked back at the man, "I tried. I tried so hard to convince her to come back with me. But she said, she didn't have enough power. What did she mean?" she asked.

Steve looked at the ground as he felt the tears pooling in his eyes and Bucky just looked away. Tony sighed as guilt flowed through him. "It's my fault she's gone Nat." he whispered.

The woman looked at him confused, "It was supposed to be me but I wasn't fast enough. She snapped." He said. Nat's eyes widened, "She snapped? Then what happened to her body because I saw her. Tony I saw her." She said with tears on her cheeks.

Steve sighed, "We don't know but if it has something to do with the stones, maybe she isn't actually dead." He said. Bucky looked at him and then to Tony, "What do you mean?" he asked.

Tony gulped, "What did she say to you? What did she do?" he asked Nat. The woman let out a breath, "I don't know how, but I saw her and she told me to believe and then there I was." She whispered.

"Did you see how she did it?" Steve asked. Nat sighed, "That's the thing. She asked me to close my eyes." she said. Tony's shoulders slumped, "But..." Nat muttered.

The men looked at her, "I felt the energy surround me. It's the same feeling when me and Clint were getting the soul stone." She said.

Hope filled the four of them as they looked at each other, "So you're saying..." "She might have the stones still." She said. "And we can find her." Tony concluded with the familiar glint in his eyes.

"How?" Bucky asked and Steve looked at Tony again, "With someone who can track her." He said. "Wanda." Nat suddenly said. "Wait, was she in her suit?" Tony asked the woman.

Nat shook her head, "No." she said. "Then I can track her too. Her suit has a tracker." Tony said. With that, they believed, just as Harlow told her aunt Nat.

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After the incident at Scott's, the pack had been treading on egg shells with Harlow. Not because they were scared, it was because she didn't know what they were.

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