chapter 31. the plan

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Harlow said good bye to Harley and Pietro and walked in the grocery store. She had decided to go because she wanted to bask in the town she apparently lived in.

She was walking through aisles when she heard her name being whispered. She turned around, expecting to see some kids that might have recognized her but it wasn't.

Peter Hale stood in front of her and she smiled. "Hi. Peter right?" she asked. The man nodded, dumbfounded at the sight of the girl in Beacon Hills.

"You're back." He said and Harlow sighed, "Yeah but I'm still trying to remember." She said and he nodded, "I hope it comes to you soon." He said.

Harlow nodded, "You didn't tell me you were from Beacon Hills." She said and he chuckled, "It never came up." He said. She narrowed her eyes at him, "So I'm guessing the whole delivery man was just a ruse?" she asked.

Peter chuckled, "Guilty as charged." "So I did know you." She said as she grabbed coffee. He hummed and nodded, "And your coffee addiction didn't change." He pointed out.

She sighed and looked back at him, "Actually I've been avoiding coffee." She said with a frown. "Can I ask why?" he asked. She shrugged, "Can't find the right mix." She said with a tight lipped smile.

"Well if I find a family secret then I'll tell you." He joked and she chuckled making Peter smile. "Peter?" a voice asked. The two turned and saw another man shopping. "Sherriff." The man greeted.

The man's eyes landed on the girl and she smiled politely. "Harlow." He whispered and the girl bit her lip, she looked at Peter, "So I'm guessing I know him too?" she asked.

The Sherriff looked at the eldest Hale who nodded at the girl. "Yeah you were great friends with his son." He explained. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked back at Noah.

He smiled at her, "Noah Stilinski." He said and that was it. Another wave of familiarity hovering over her, "My son is Stiles." He said. And her heart jumped, Peter looking at her struggling.

"I'm sorry. I'm really trying." She mumbled and the men nodded at her. "Trying is better than nothing." Noah said and Peter agreed.

"Do I know more people here?" she asked and they looked at her sympathetically, "You did. You were friends with my son's friends." Noah explained and looked at Peter who sighed.

"And you knew my niece and nephew." He said. Harlow nodded, "Well I hope I bump into them soon. It somewhat helps." She said with a smile.

Peter nodded and Noah smiled at her, "There will be a game this Wednesday. Lacrosse you should join us." He invited her. She smiled and nodded, "I would love to." She said and then saying her good byes before walking away.

The two men stood there in front of each other. "Does Derek know?" Noah asked and Peter shook his head, "I didn't even know." He said.

Noah sighed, "Well I guess the package was a success." Peter nodded, "Well we'll see how this goes." He mumbled. "How is Derek?" the Sherriff asked worried.

Peter sighed, "Coping. I gotta go and run in the wodds, try to hide her scent." He said. "Why? Don't you think he should know?" Noah asked confused but Peter shook his head.

"Derek would either react well with patience or badly with anger." He said knowing that his nephew could either go to the deep end or not.

Noah nodded in understanding, "Well let's hope the pack doesn't ruin it." He mumbled. "With them, I highly doubt it."

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