chapter 4. the red hue

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow stood in front of the edge of Beacon Hills. Her eyebrows furrowed as the red hue fluttered in front of her. It had been a day and after her whole life story they had decided to let her rest and then today she was supposed to be on her way back to New York.

The Stark had told her story from when she was abandoned at the foot of her father's doorstep when she was a baby, her father's kidnapping, the creation of iron man and hammer industries, the avengers initiative, to Bucky and HYDRA, to Sokovia and her finally fighting, to the Accords, to Peter Parker, to her father's wedding, to her trip to space with her father, to returning to Pepper, to their wedding, to Morgan, the time travel and the battle.

Needless to say the pack had so many questions. She bit her lip as she answered most of them, "You time travelled to save the universe with your family?" Lydia asked.

Harlow sighed and nodded, "Yeah." She muttered as she fiddled with her thumbs. "Okay, you gotta walk me through this." The strawberry blonde said.

The Stark sighed and Derek sensed her exhaustion and he stood up. "I think that's enough interview for now." He said. Harlow sighed in relief and that's when the pack realized how tired she actually was.

"Derek's right." Scott said as he stood up. As much as he wanted to ask more about her, he could see how her shoulders slumped and her eyes blinked multiple times.

"I think it's time we let Harlow rest." The true alpha said. Harlow smiled at him in thanks. "Where will she stay?" Kira asked and the girl sighed.

"I could look for a place-" "Here." Derek cut her off. Harlow and the rest looked at him in shock. He gulped, "I mean, I have the space and-" he stopped himself and breathed in.

Scott furrowed his eyebrows when he heard his heartbeat. "That is, if it's okay with you Harlow." Derek said as he tried to calm his heart down.

Harlow looked at him and her heart calmed down. The worry and fear about herself and her family faded. "If it's not a bother." She said. Isaac scoffed, "Oh believe me, it's not. He kicked me out and then he offers-" "Let's go Isaac." Scott cut him off.

Cora smiled to herself and then to Malia who caught both scents from Harlow and Derek.

The pack dispersed and Cora showed Harlow where she was going to stay. "Thank you Cora." The Stark said. Cora chuckled and nodded, "Yeah but I think Derek is actually the one you need to thank." She said.

Harlow pursed her lips as Cora started to walk away, "Hey Cora." She called out. The teen turned and smiled at her, "Yeah?" she asked. "Does Derek do this often? Because the way your friends reacted it was like something weird." She voiced out her thoughts.

Cora sent her a soft smile, "No. It's something new for all of us." She said. Harlow's jaw dropped, "But why would he-" "Believe me I'll be asking him that tomorrow." Cora said.

They looked at each other for a while. "You're leaving tomorrow aren't you?" she asked with a frown. Harlow nodded slowly, the youngest Hale sighed, "Well it was nice to see my brother like that even for a short while." She said and walked out of the room.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow opened her eyes, the moon was still out, it was still night time but she felt like she wouldn't be able to fall asleep any time soon.

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