chapter 2. the unconscious problem

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Stiles and Scott walked through the halls of Beacons Hills High School. "You were up all night weren't you?" Scott asked his best friend. The human sighed, "Yes I was. There was nothing on the internet of someone just appearing in thin air." He said frustrated.

"Who appeared in thin air?" a voice said from behind them. The boys turned to see Malia and Lydia standing there. Scott and Stiles shared a look, "Did something happen last night?" Malia asked.

The two boys kept their mouths shut, "I'm gonna take that as a yes." Lydia said as she narrowed her eyes at the two. "What did you see?" Malia asked as the two girls walked closer to their boyfriends.

They gulped and moved back as their backs hit the lockers. "Are you going to tell us or we have to force it out of you?" Malia asked again. "Um-" before anything could happen Liam and Isaac ran to them.

"We have-" "A problem-" "Well not really." "Just a minor mistake." "That ended with someone unconscious." The two werewolves said.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Scott walked with the rest of the pack to the empty classroom where Kira and Allison looked over the unconscious brunette.

"What is this?" Cora Hale asked confused at why her friends had tied up a girl randomly. "I thought we were done with this shit." She finished. Malia let out a scoff at her cousin as she crossed her arms.

"Someone gonna tell us what's going on?" Lydia asked as they walked closer. As Stiles and Scott followed the human and then stopped, "That's her." He said.

Everyone turned to him, "What?" Lydia asked. "That's her Scott. The girl from last night, the one that we almost ran over." Stiles said as he stared at the girl.

"Ran over?" The girls asked at the same time. Scott sighed, "You mean to tell me that this girl, the same one that Liam and Isaac hit in the head-" "Hey that was just all Liam." Isaac cut him off.

"This is the same girl you said appeared out of nowhere?" Scott asked as he ignored his friend. Stiles furrowed his eyebrows, "Yeah." He said. Scott sighed again and looked at the girl, "She seems harmless-" "She appeared out of nowhere!" Stiles yelled as he flailed his arms around.

"Okay relax. This might just be a coincidence." Kira said as she tried to calm down everyone. "When have we ever been that lucky?" Cora asked as she crossed her arms. "Look maybe we should take her out of here. Out of other's sight." Allison said as she looked at the pack.

They silently agreed and Allison moved to take out the knots. "No keep it on her." Stiles said. "Why?" the huntress asked him, "We're still not sure what she is. She could be a threat." He answered her.

"I don't think she is." Malia muttered as she sensed the chemosignals around the girl. The werecayote felt confusion and fear, and her scent was nowhere near supernatural. "She does smell human." Cora said backing up her cousin.

"See! I said that too." Isaac said as he pointed at his girlfriend. Cora rolled her eyes, "Come on, let's bring her to the loft." She said as she ignored Isaac. "To Derek?" Stiles asked.

"Where else?" Lydia asked him with a raised eyebrow. "And don't say Deaton. He deserves the vacation." Allison cut Stiles off who looked like he was about to say something.

Stiles sighed, "Fine." He grumbled and followed Scott who carried the girl in his arms.

»»————- ★ ————-««

The pack arrived at the loft just in time for Derek to walk down the spiral staircase. "Aren't you all supposed to be in school?" the former alpha asked.

The teens shared a look and then moved to the side to present Scott with the girl in his arms. Derek's eyebrows furrowed and his mouth gaped, "What the hell did you guys do?" he asked.

"It was all Liam." Isaac said with crossed arms. Liam rolled his eyes, "Will you stop saying that?" Liam asked him annoyed. "It's the truth." Liam and Isaac started arguing as Scott placed the girl on the sofa.

"Someone gonna tell me what happened?" Derek asked as he stared at the girl. There was something off, not supernatural wise. She smelt human, normal. Too normal actually. He studied her, the way her hair cascaded and framed her face, her lips parted apart ever so slightly-

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard Isaac and Liam groan. He turned to see Malia holding the two betas by the ear. Derek rolled his eyes, "She just appeared last night from thin air and then when we turned she was gone. She ran into the woods." Stiles explained.

"You didn't try to track her?" Allison asked. Scott sighed, "I did but her scent was covered by the rain." He said. "How could-" "Because she's human." Derek finally spoke as he stared at the girl.

"So she is human?" Cora asked her older brother. Derek hummed and nodded as he moved closer. It was like something compelling him to get closer. As he did, he was swept by the sweet smell of jasmines and he blinked.

"Well that still doesn't explain how she appeared from thin air." Stiles pointed out exasperatedly. Derek sighed, "Someone like that doesn't just appear from nowhere. That doesn't make sense." He said.

Stiles threw his hands in the air, "Derek, your eyes glow blue and fangs and hair grow out of you oh and let's not forget how you can actually turn into a wolf!" he yelled.

Derek rolled his eyes and turned to look at the spastic human, "After everything we've all been through, I think we're beyond impossible." Stiles explained. The former alpha pursed his lips and looked back at the girl.

Cora furrowed her eyebrows as she studied her brother. He was calm, not annoyed or worried. The way he stared at her was so familiar she just couldn't remember where she saw it.

"You didn't have to tie her up." He muttered. Liam raised an eyebrow, "She could be a threat." "A threat? Someone that pretty?" Isaac asked.

Everyone looked at him especially Cora who raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend challenging him. Isaac gulped, "I mean, she's not another Jennifer Blake." He pointed out as he glanced at Derek.

Derek sighed and closed his eyes, the scent wafting around the air, "She's human." He muttered again. Suddenly they heard a gasp and when they turned around, they saw the girl awake, sitting up, "What the hell? Why am I tied up?" 

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