chapter 7. the necklace

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They were all walking around the woods where Stiles and Scott first saw Harlow. She was trying to remember which way she ran off to.

"So, tomorrow's a Monday." Stiles started and Harlow hummed as she walked beside him. The others were off trying to track her scent, not like she knew what they were doing.

"And me and the others were wondering if you wanted to go to school with us." He said. Harlow stopped walking and looked at him, "No." she said.

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows, "What?" he asked. The others walked to them, "No sight yet." Cora said and Harlow sighed, "We'll find it Harlow." Scott reassured her. "I hope so." She muttered and was about to walk somewhere but Stiles spoke.

"Nuh uh. What do you mean you aren't going to school?" Stiles asked. She sighed and looked back, "I don't have to go to school." She said with a shrug.

"What why?" Lydia asked confused. Harlow shrugged, "First of all, I'm supposed to be dead." She said. Isaac chuckled, "That is an acceptable reason." He said. Cora shook her head, "Yeah but that's Harlow Stark. You're Harlow Twist." She reminded her. The pack had decided to use her middle name to not catch any unwanted attention to her.

"I don't have to." The Stark girl argued. "Why?" Stiles asked again. Harlow let out a chuckle just in time for Derek to return with Malia, "Because I finished at MIT when I was 16." She said with a tight lip smile.

"16?" they all asked shocked. Harlow rolled her eyes, "Yeah. They wanted to test if the daughter of the great Tony Stark could start as young him. And I passed, so I finished at MIT. I know everything there is I need to know." She explained as she turned around.

"But still, what would you be doing?" Liam asked the girl. The pack had found themselves more drawn to her than before. She stopped walking and turned to meet eyes with Derek.

"Me and Derek will probably look for the suit, if he's up to it." She said. The man smiled slightly and nodded, Harlow felt her heart skip at the sight and turned back around as she felt the blush appear on her cheeks.

Lydia and the girls chuckled and ran up to her, Cora looped her arm around her right while Malia on the left. "Told you he likes you." Kira teased while Harlow scoffed, "Will you stop it." She grumbled as the blush worsened.

»»————- ★ ————-««

They were walking for a few hours now and the boys slumped on the ground. Harlow sighed looking out the woods again. She felt a presence behind her, "We're gonna find it." Derek whispered.

Harlow licked her lips and nodded, "I know I just. It's the only thing I have of my dad." She muttered turning around only to meet Derek who stood closely. She looked at his green eyes, studying him.

Derek let out a smile, "You're staring." He whispered. Harlow shook her head, "I don't stare." She said. He bit his lip to try and hide the grin but failed when he saw the way Harlow looked at him.

"Right, you study." He muttered, remembering the multiple nights of them just talking about each other. Harlow nodded, "You pay attention." She pointed out.

He shrugged, "Only to certain details that matter." He said. Harlow furrowed her eyebrows, "So, not everything matters to you?" she asked. Derek knew what she was pointing at.

"To you? Everything does." He whispered. Harlow hummed and nodded, "Good answer." She whispered. They stared at each other as the smiles grew on their lips.

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