chapter 14. the accident

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»»————- ★ ————-««

The next day, Harlow woke up with a frown. She could not believe that Peter had ruined everything last night. She stayed in bed for an hour at least. She didn't know how to face Derek today and she was worried.

It wasn't until Cora who had to pull her off the bed when she walked down the spiral staircase. When she did she noticed all the girls there at the loft.

"Hey look who decided to get out of bed and not sulk in regret." Malia joked which earned a slap in the head from Lydia. "Stop it. But really how are you Har?" the strawberry blonde asked her.

"I don't know. Should I feel something?" Harlow asked as she sat on the chair and leaned on the island. Her eyes were wandering everywhere.

She got so used to have Derek there when she woke up, her heart dropped when she didn't see him. "Here." Cora said as she gave her a cup of coffee. "Derek has a guy day with the rest of the pack while you have a girl's day with us." Kira said with a smile.

"I wasn't asking." She muttered as she sipped her coffee quietly. She felt her heart race and Malia and Cora smirked. "You didn't have to." Malia said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Stupid wolf hearing." Harlow grumbled and Allison chuckled, "That and you're blushing like crazy." The huntress pointed out.

This made the Stark groan and rubs her face. The girls shared a look and Lydia placed a hand on her arm. Harlow looked up and pursed her lips, "Come on, how about you get ready and we'll go out." She said and Harlow sighed.

She grabbed her coffee and walked back up to her room. "She so likes him." Malia said. Kira hummed and nodded, "And Derek feels the same right?" she asked Cora who nodded.

"Pretty much. I mean we all saw how pissed he was last night." The youngest Hale said. Their conversation was paused when Harlow walked back down.

She wore a button up shirt where she folded the sleeves so it landed just after her elbows. It was tucked in her jean shorts. "You rock simple outfits Har." Lydia complimented.

Harlow chuckled, "Don't. Let's go. I think I was promised a girl's day." She said and the girls chuckled. The Stark grabbed her bag and grabbed the space stone covered metal.

»»————- ★ ————-««

"So you ran away this morning?" Stiles asked Derek confused as they settled in the old Hale house. "I didn't ran away. I made her coffee." He mumbled. Isaac chuckled as he picked on the old wood on the floor.

"Honestly Derek when are you gonna tell her?" the beta asked him. Derek narrowed his eyes at him, "What are you talking about Isaac?" he asked.

"And I thought Liam was clueless." Scott muttered. "Hey!" Liam yelled. Derek rolled his eyes, "I don't know what you're talking about." He said as he sipped his beer.

"I think you do." Scott said as he placed his drink down. Derek sighed, "What do you want me to say Scott? That I care about Harlow so much that I don't wanna lose her?" he asked.

His statement made everyone stop and look at him. Derek sighed again as he gripped his hair, "That I care for her so much I don't want her leave. That even if I have to fight off her family just so she can stay. Is that what you wanted to hear?" he asked and looked back at them.

Derek's eyes were filled with hope. He hoped that maybe she felt the same. "We think you should tell her." Scott said softly. "Why? When she doesn't feel the same, it's not you who has deal with that." Derek said defensively.

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