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»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow stopped her car, breathing in she watched as he sat on the hood of his car. She knew that he heard her arrive, damn wolf hearing.

She tried to calm her breathing, she got out of the car. She walked closer to him but he didn't turn nor move. Derek knew she was there, he could hear her heart race, the wind blew and her scent engulfed him.

Derek closed his eyes as she walked in front of him. She placed the coffee cup on his hood making him look at it. He pursed his lips and looked back at her.

Green meeting green, they stared at each other. Her shoulders slumped and she gulped, "Hey." She whispered. He hummed, "Hi." He said.

She furrowed her eyebrows, clearly frustrated at how she was acting. Derek tilted her head, he had turned off his phone, wanting to be alone. "Harlow?" he asked.

"It's funny really..." she trailed as she wrung her fingers through her hair, "The first thing I loved about you was the only thing I couldn't remember clearly." She said as she looked at him.

Derek's eyes widening at her words. She walked closer to him and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers. "And of all things that could have brought me back, it's your coffee." She whispered looking back at him.

A tear fell from his eye, "Harlow..." he muttered and she cupped his cheek, "Derek Hale..." she trailed as a tear fell from her eye, "I'm sorry it took too long." She whispered.

Derek stood up and placed his free hand on her waist, "Do you really remember?" he asked with emotional eyes. Harlow gulped, "I remember waking up to this loft surrounded by strangers and yet when I looked at you, I trusted you already. I remember asking Cora if you were usually that nice." She listed as she caressed his cheek.

"I remember meeting Peter and then all the coffee nights, the full moons, the moment at the hospital, the game, that final kiss without Peter interrupting us." She said with a grin making Derek chuckle.

"I remember you, clearly I was smitten with you because I was willing to leave my family for you." She whispered as she leaned her forehead into his.

His breath hitched and placed his hand on her waist. "I remember you as my somebody. You changed my life and I'm so glad that you did. Because..." she trailed as she pulled away slightly to stare into his green eyes.

"You are my normal Derek Hale and I love you." She whispered and that was all it took. Derek pulled her to a kiss filled with passion, longing and love.

Harlow melted into him like it was the most natural thing in the word. Wrapping her hands around his next as she kissed back with the same amount of emotion.

If Derek could he would have tattooed it all over his skin. Harlow savored everything, the way his hand gripped her waist while the other softly place on her cheek. She gripped the small hairs of the back of her neck making Derek to want more.

But air was something they needed. They pulled away but not far enough that their bodies would lose the warm feeling radiating around them. Derek kissed her nose making her giggle.

"It was all worth the wait Harlow." He whispered. "Thank you for waiting." She muttered and he grinned at her, "Well you are my normal, and I promised to do everything my power because I love you Harlow Stark."

»»————- ★ ————-««

Three Years Later...

Harlow Stark wore her scowl as she stared at her brother. "Hammer Industries? Really Harley?" she asked seething at the decision that him and her father decided on.

"First of all dad didn't say no-" "Dad's old okay." She cut him off. "Well he still owns the company so he still gets a say on who our business parties are gonna be." Harley argued.

Harlow scoffed, "Not if I get a say in it." She growled riding the elevator back down the bottom floor. The moment the doors opened, she saw her target standing next to her other brother Peter.

"Anthony Edward Stark." She said as she stomped to him. "Oh crap." She heard her father say. She crossed her arms and glared at her father. She didn't care if the employees saw her, her father needed a piece of her mind and she will give it.

"Harlow, sweetheart-" she raised her hand up and he shut up. "Want to explain to me why Stark Industries is partnering with Hammer Industries after everything." She said with narrowed eyes.

"Harlow, they're one of the leading companies-" "Dad have you forgotten what Justin Hammer did to us?" she asked and Tony sighed. "We aren't the same people-" "He stole out ideas Dad. It doesn't matter if we don't sell weapons anymore, he betrayed us multiple times. I think that's enough to not accept their partnership." She ranted.

"Now that hurt Harlow." "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Peter grumbled and Harlow glared at the man. "Security take this man out of here." She said.

"Harlow come on." Justin said. "Get him out of here. Stark Industries will not be partnering with him." She said as she tried to walk away. "Hey! You don't get a say in anything!" Justin yelled making her stop.

She turned around and smirked, "I am Harlow Twist Stark. The eldest heir of this company and one of the highest ranking board members of this company. I do have a say in this and when I say we will not be working with cheating lying bastards like you, we won't." she spat and motioned for the security to take him away.

Harlow strutted to the elevator to get to her office. Tony sighed and turned to Peter and their friends. "Do you see how much of a monster she is in work?" he asked making the group laugh.

"Oh I get that. She broke my arm one time. She can be feisty." Peter Hale said making the pack laugh. Peter Parker shook his head, "Yes well there's only one person that can calm her down." He grumbled.

Cora smirked, "Oh we know." She said and Isaac and Liam shivered, "Yeah there are moments we can't erase." They mumbled.

Lydia, Allison and Kira rolled their eyes as Scott and Stiles looked lost.

In her office, Harlow slumped into her chair. She heard a chuckle and she pouted. Spinning her chair she saw him walk out the bathroom that was attached to her office.

"Rough day?" he asked. Harlow huffed, "Maybe we should have stayed at Beacon Hills." She whispered. Derek smiled and crouched down in front of her, "We have all the time, you promised your dad you would deal with your family's work." He reminded her.

"Yeah well it sucks." She grumbled. Derek laughed and picked her up so he could sit on the chair and placed her on his lap. Pulling a coffee cup so it was in front of her. She sunk into him and he kissed her head, "I'm sorry you have to be stressed all the time." He whispered.

Harlow hummed and stirred the coffee, "And I'm sorry this isn't the life you imagined." She said with a sigh. Derek felt the guilt radiate from her.

Derek kissed her temple, "As long as I am with you, everything is normal. Just how I want it to be." Harlow smiled and intertwined their fingers, "Everything is normal with you. It's perfect." She whispered.


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