chapter 22. the tracked

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Miraculously everyone was free that day. Derek was extra clingy to Harlow that day. He felt something off, the night before the girl had finished the stones, and the moment she did he felt a shift in the energy.

Harlow was fighting something off and Derek can't help but feel helpless. He couldn't take her pain away. She explained to him that it was beyond anything supernatural. Her body was getting weaker by the hour and Derek was terrified to lose her.

The Stark had theorized everything and she knew the complications of her situations. She knew the consequences if she turned selfish and she didn't want to risk the lives of the people she had grown to love.

The pack had migrated to the loft, the supernatural creatures feeling the difference in Harlow and noticed how Derek was stuck closely to her. They were helping with the suit but to Harlow, it was her trying to get past FRIDAY.

They were all working quietly, everyone not feeling goofy or upbeat today, what with Harlow's occasional cough and groan. Derek watched her closely as she fixed the dismantled glove while glancing at the laptop that was tracking her father.

Everyone was in their own little words when Harlow's suit started up, the eye sockets glowing as well as the chest piece. The teens looking at Harlow but she didn't seem fazed.

"Security override." Karen's voice said. Scott and Isaac stood up defensively with Peter just behind his daughter and Cora. Harlow sighed and looked at Derek. She didn't have to say anything to him, his heart broke at the sunken eyes, chapped lips and exhausted aura around her.

"By whose orders?" Harlow asked the A.I. as she looked away from Derek's eyes. "Mr. Stark. Good day Miss Stark." A different voice said.

Harlow sighed and stood up from the chair with Derek helping her. The couple walking in front of the suit. "FRIDAY." She greeted the A.I. "Miss Stark, your family has been looking all over for you." She said.

The Stark girl could only nod, "I suppose they have tracked me yes?" Harlow asked ignoring the feeling of the looks of the pack. "That is correct Miss Stark. Message sent by your family, I suggest listening to it." FRIDAY said.

Harlow looked back and sent them a small smile, "Open message." She whispered. "Harlow." An unfamiliar voice said but Harlow knew it by heart.

She closed her eyes listening to her father's worried tone, "I don't know how to say this but we know where you are and we know you're hiding from us." He said.

The supernaturals hearing her heart drop as the man continued talking, "I understand because Wanda told me. She saw you sweetheart." He said.

Harlow opened her eyes in shock, looking back at her suit, "Sweetheart, I know you're scared but you have to know. Every time you do something to the stones, the people who have been affected by it felt it." He explained with a rushed tone.

"At first it was Stephen Strange and then Peter Quill arrived with the Guardians and Carol Danvers visited us." Tony explained as Harlow started to connect everything and with the way her father was speaking, she knew that her theory was right.

"After that, people started to appear. Harlow, Loki, Vision and Pietro are alive." Tony said and she let out a gasp. Tears falling down her face, "You didn't just brought Nat back, you brought them back as well but that's not the point Har. I know you feel it, the sense of weakness. It's the stones." Tony trailed as she gulped.

"The stones' powers are in you Harlow. They were looking for a host and they found one in you. But sweetheart, they're eating you alive." Tony said making the girls gasp and Derek freeze.

"You need to come home. You're smart Harlow, you know what will happen if we don't take them out, it'll be catastrophic and I know you, you'll want to protect them and that boy you fallen in love with." Tony trailed and Harlow breathed in.

"When you get this, we'll be behind the barrier, you and Wanda are the only ones that can get it down. I know you know the consequences but we'll help you. Come to the barrier Harlow, we'll fix it."

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After the message Harlow huffed and shook her head. Moving back to her station and started typing, "Harlow..." Scott muttered but the girl shook her head.

"I'm not going. I can do this." She muttered mostly to herself. "There are answers to everything and I just have to look for it." She whispered as she typed as fast as she could.

"There is an answer and it's with your family-" "I don't need that okay. I can't risk it okay, I just can't." she said looking at the true alpha.

"Harlow." Cora said but Harlow looked at them, "I can't lose you." She said to everyone. "You're not gonna lose us Harlow, you're coming back-" Lydia was cut off by the Stark.

"No! I won't." she said making everyone stop. Derek slowly walked to her, "Harlow, you gotta tell us what's going on..." he whispered making her look at him. "I can't Derek I can't." she said shaking her head.

"Something's wrong Harlow and I can't take away your pain. If your family knows how to stop this then maybe-" "You don't get it Derek! If I go with them, I'll lose this, the pack and you. I can't let that happen." She cried.

"We're not gonna go anywhere Harlow." Derek said as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "But I will." She whispered. He walked closer to her, placed his hands on her arms, "Tell me what's going on Harlow." He said.

Harlow looked at him with a broken expression, "If I don't get these powers out of me, I'll explode." She finally said and the other's hearts fell to the floor as the new life they had established with their new friend shattered in front of them.

"I'm a ticking time bomb Derek and if I don't put them back in the stones, you and everyone and Beacon Hills will be wiped away from existence." She said. Derek sighed and cupped her cheeks, "I thought that maybe if I let the stones have their host for the mean time I could learn control and use the reality stone to save you but I can't. I lost." She said.

Derek wiped away her tears, "Then you gotta go-" "If they remove them there's a risk that I forget everything." She cut him off.

His breath hitched and a tear fell from his eye, "I forget Beacon Hills, the pack and you. And I don't want that because I love you Derek." She whispered.

He was conflicted on what to do, but he knew deep down the truth what the right thing to do was. "Listen to me Harlow. I don't care how long your memories will take to get back, but you are getting your butt to the barrier and is going with your family." He said.

"Derek did you not just hear me? I'll forget-" "And I'll do everything in my power to make you remember because I love you too Harlow." He cut her off.

She stared at him with so much love that he felt his knees go weak, "I would rather spend years making you remember than losing you forever." He whispered as he pressed his lips onto hers.

Harlow let out a sob, melting into the kiss. It was like the breath in her lungs was pushed down as he did kiss her. It was filled with so much love and passion, if she could she would tattoo it in her skin.

When they pulled away she had a worried look on her face, "No matter what happens, I'll be here Harlow." He whispered as she closed her eyes and laid her head on his chest.

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