chapter 33. the coffee stain

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Peter's first game was today and the team was excited. Harlow walked outside her house and looked around. She had talked to the rest of the pack in hopes that she'll remember but it was still all blurry.

Morgan ran past her wearing a 'I love Peter Parker' shirt. She chuckled and picked her up, "You ready for Pete's first game?" she asked and the little girl nodded.

"Yeah!" she cheered and giggled when Harlow peppered her with kisses. "Okay let's go, I don't wanna be late." Peter said bouncing to the car. "Hey! Shot gun!" Pietro yelled but Peter was already at the passenger seat.

Harlow rolled her eyes and looked at Harley, "You sure you can handle them in the same car?" she asked her brother. The boy nodded, "Yeah. Morgan's the peacemaker." He pointed out.

She turned to see Morgan holding both Peter and Pietro's ears. She chuckled and shook her head, "Where you going?" Harley asked.

She pursed her lips, "Just a walk in the woods before the game. I'll be there." she said. "You better not miss it!" Peter yelled and Harlow nodded, "Yeah. Be sure to save Pepper and dad a seat Harley." She said as she walked to her car.

Harley nodded and walked to the driver's seat. Harlow sighed and sat in her car. She drove to the preserve and pursed her lips at the familiar feeling.

She found herself walking around again but this time she looked around. Voices erupted in her head again, but this time she closed her eyes, taking her sight away as she walked.

He let out a smile, "You're staring." He whispered. Harlow shook her head, "I don't stare." She said. He bit his lip to try and hide the grin but failed when he saw the way Harlow looked at him.

"Right, you study." He muttered, remembering the multiple nights of them just talking about each other. Harlow nodded, "You pay attention." She pointed out.

He shrugged, "Only to certain details that matter." He said. Harlow furrowed her eyebrows, "So, not everything matters to you?" she asked. Derek knew what she was pointing at.

"To you? Everything does." He whispered. Harlow hummed and nodded, "Good answer." She whispered.

She saw beautiful green eyes that made her heart swoon. She felt herself stop but the visions didn't.

He stood in front of her, mouth gaped ever so slightly. "So are you saying, you like Beacon Hills because of the people?" he asked.

She stared at his green eyes, she always found them calming and deep. "I am saying that. This is the most normal I have been." She said. He walked closer to her and she didn't move.

She didn't make a move to step back when he was mere inches from her. She didn't move when his hands found their way on her waist and cheek. She didn't move when she felt his forehead on hers. She didn't move when she smelt him, the strong scent of the woods and coffee.

"Is there another reason?" he whispered. She opened her eyes and saw him looking at her. "You."

She furrowed her eyebrows as she kept seeing the same green eyes turning electric blue. She gulped and opened her eyes.

Harlow realized where she was, in front of a burnt down house. Her mouth gaped as flashes of conversations about family and loves and betrayal appeared to her.

She knew she was remembering but she felt as if something was still lost. Whoever that green eyed man was, she had to know who he was.

Her phone rang and she sigh, "Where are you Har?" she heard Harley ask. She turned around and walked back out of the preserve.

normality | Marvel x Teen Wolf (A Derek Hale Story)Where stories live. Discover now