chapter 3. the memorial

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow stared at the unfamiliar faces of the people around her. She didn't know where she was or how she ended up there. Her heart was beating fast, she was scared, cold and worried.

"Hey. Relax." A boy with crooked jaw said. She furrowed her eyebrows and scurried away from him when he approached her. She fell off the couch and the people's eyes widened. "Calm down." A redhead said.

"Why would I? I'm in some random place." She said. "We found you." A boy with curly hair said. She furrowed her eyebrow, "Where? Where did you find me?" she asked confused.

Another boy with blue eyes walked slowly, "You were walking around the lacrosse field, muttering under your breath about stones or something." He said.

They watched as Harlow blinked, recognition settling on her face, "No. No. Where am I?" she asked. "Beacon Hills California." An Asian girl said. "No I'm supposed to be in New York." She whispered.

"New York?" another girl asked. "No actually, I'm supposed to be dead." Harlow said as she looked up at everyone.

»»————- ★ ————-««

To say that the pack was stunned was another thing. They stared at the girl in shock. How can someone claim they're supposed to be dead?

Harlow struggled on her ropes, "Can someone please take these off of me?" she asked as she groaned. The rope causing burns on her wrists and ankles. "No." A pale boy said.

"What do you mean no?" she asked infuriated already. "I mean no, you wanna hear it in Spanish, noh." he said making Scott, Allison and Lydia roll their eyes at the antic he just repeated. Harlow scoffed, "I don't viable reason." she said.

"We don't know you, you could be a threat." He said. She heard multiple scoffs and groans, "She isn't-" "What's your name?" someone asked her.

She moved to look at him. Her eyes caught sight of green ones, her mouth gaped and she tilted her head. The soft expression on his face shocked the pack, "Harlow. Harlow Twist Stark." She whispered.

They stared at each other and the pale boy gasped, "I knew you were familiar." He said. They all turned to him as he pulled out his phone.

"There's a memorial for you today." He said as he showed the phone to her. There on the news article written, "Hero Harlow Stark's Memorial attended by multiple people in commemoration of her brave sacrifice to save the world once again."

"So you are supposed to be dead." The redhead said. Harlow tuned everything out as she stared at the article. A picture of her attached to the side. One of her smiling, it was her father's and Pepper's wedding.

She heaved as her chest tightened, "I can't- I can't breathe." She muttered as she closed her eyes. "Get her out of the ropes!" a person yelled.

Once she was free of them, she placed her hands in front of her. She touched each finger as she breathed slowly, "Dad, Pepper, Steve, Wanda, Nat, Buck, Bruce, Thor, Morgan, Harlow..." she muttered over and over again.

The pack watched in wonder as she calmed herself down. She gulped and looked up, "Sorry." She whispered. They nodded at her as she stood up, "I need to-" "Sit down." A voice cut her off.

She looked to see the same man who asked her name. "You can trust us." He said. She raised her eyebrows and looked at the teens, "Yeah, sorry about the whole kidnapping thing." A boy said.

Harlow nodded and looked at the man again. She trusted him, he was the only one who asked who she was. "Okay." She muttered and she sat down.

Everything was quiet and she sighed, "Can I at least know your names?" she asked. "I'm Scott and this is Malia." The boy with a crooked jaw said as she motioned to the short haired girl.

She nodded and moved to look at the others, "I'm Lydia, and this is Allison and Kira. The spaz is my boyfriend Stiles." The redhead said. She nodded again and moved to look at the curly haired boy, "Isaac, my girlfriend Cora and the baby, Liam." He said.

Harlow looked at the man in front of her, "Derek." He said. She nodded again, "Okay." She muttered. "So, um, you wanna tell us something about you?" Allison asked softly.

She pursed her lips, "You know who I am." She said. They nodded, "Then you know my story." She said as she cowered still worried. "Actually..." Stiles trailed and Harlow looked at her.

"We only know what the media says." He said. Scott nodded, "We don't know you." He said. Harlow bit her lip and sighed, "My life story isn't sunshine and rainbows, it never was." She said.

Cora smiled at her softly, "None of ours are too." She said and Harlow pursed her lips. After another second of silence she sighed, "It all started when I ended up at my father's doorstep..."

»»————- ★ ————-««

The memorial for Harlow Stark was a media frenzy, but the Avengers were still confused on where her body could be. Pepper closed the doors of the compound, she walked in the common room.

They all just stood there, not knowing what to say. Tony suddenly stood up and scoffed, "I gotta go." He mumbled. "Tony-" "No! She's still out there! My girl is out there!" he yelled as tears fell from his eyes.

Pepper sighed and looked at the ground, "Everything I did was for her." He cried as he looked over the team. Tony didn't expect to feel this way. Not anymore, she was supposed to be protected, she wasn't supposed to die. "For her and my family. And now she's gone." He whimpered as she looked at Pepper.

"She's gone Pep." He cried and the woman rushed to him gathering him in her arms. The team could only watch in despair as they watched Tony break down again.

"She's gone because I was too slow to grab those damn stones!" he yelled and sobbed at the same time. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay." Pepper whispered.

"I didn't even get to hold her." Tony whispered. Pepper looked at the team with sad eyes. Suddenly the door opened and there entered the littlest Stark.

Morgan Stark stomped her way to the couch. She frowned at the sight of her dad. She was sad too, but she believed that Harlow was okay. She didn't know how but she felt it, her big sister was still alive.

But right now she was annoyed at how Peter and Harley kept saying she was dead. "What's wrong princess?" Wanda asked as she sat next to the kid. Morgan huffed making Tony freeze.

He did not want her to see him like this but Morgan knew he was grieving, she was quite smart for her age, "Peter is annoying." She said. The others chuckled as Tony wiped his tears away.

"What did he do now?" Rhodey asked Morgan. "He keeps saying Harlow is gone. She's not gone." She said with a pout and glare towards Peter who walked in with Harley. "Morgan-" "No if you keep saying she's gone then she will be gone." She cut him off.

"Morg, she disappeared." Peter said with a sigh. "People don't just disappear in thin air Pete. I believe in Science." She argued. Tony sighed and walked to his daughter.

"You believe me right Dad? Harlow isn't gone until we see her gone." She whispered. Tony's heart ached but nodded, "Yeah Moguna. You're right." He said.

Morgan sighed and hugged him tight. Tony looked at the team who sighed at him. But he wouldn't have handled it if he saw Morgan cry too. It would just break him.

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