chapter 13. the arrival

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Another night with Derek, Harlow sat on the sofa of the loft where she was cleaning off the last bits of metal on the power stone.

Derek sat beside her, placing a cup of coffee in front of her. She looked up and smiled, "Finally done?" Derek asked. She hummed and nodded, "Yeah. The power stone is without metal." She said with a grin as she lifted up the dull stone towards the moonlight.

He hummed as he watched her, "Derek..." she whispered. "Yeah?" he asked. "The full moon tomorrow..." she said as she turned to look at him. She placed the stone down on the table and grabbed the coffee.

He nodded at her, motioning for her to continue, "Will you be okay?" she asked. Derek smiled at the caring and worried tone she held. "I'll be fine." He reassured her.

"Won't you be, you know raging and wolfy?" she asked as her eyebrows furrowed. Derek couldn't help but laugh, Harlow blushed, "It's not funny Derek!" she grumbled.

Derek continued to chuckle and moved closer to her, "I'll be fine. I've got control over it." He said. She hummed and nodded, "Well sorry for asking. I don't have any idea about all of this lycanthropy." She said with a smirk.

"You're learning." He said with a smile. "That I am. What about the others?" she asked pertaining to the rest of the pack. "Well, Scott learned control so did Isaac. Cora is the same as me so she's fine. Liam still needs improvement but he'll be okay and well Malia likes to wander around in her form so that's what Scott will be doing tomorrow night." He explained.

"That's good to hear." She whispered. Derek inched closer, grabbing her hand, "Everything's gonna be fine." He whispered. She nodded, "I will be fine. As long as Peter isn't anywhere near here." She grumbled.

Derek nodded in understanding, "That can be arranged." He said. Harlow nodded and smiled at him, "Sorry. I just, he's creepy and I don't like him." She admitted.

Her bluntness made him chuckle, "Okay, you don't like Peter. Noted." He teased. She chuckled and hit his arm jokingly. They looked at each other, staring at each other. "Derek." She whispered as he leaned in towards her.

He hummed and cupped her cheeks, "Just tell me to stop if you don't want this Harlow." He whispered. She breathed in and out as she closed her eyes slowly, relishing on how close they are.

Derek closed his eyes as he leaned closer. He thanked God that she didn't flinch or move away. Their breathing erratic, their heartbeats running a mile, they were so close. So close until-

"Derek we have a problem." Peter Hale's voice wandered in the room and the lights lit up. Harlow breathed in and rested her head on Derek's chest as Derek groaned and looked at Peter.

The uncle didn't have a normal smug look but rather a worried look on his face. Derek sent him a questioning look, "You gotta see this." Peter whispered and Harlow sighed. She looked back up, "Go." She said with a small smile.

Derek sighed as she stood up and grabbed the power stone and the cup of coffee and walked up the spiral stairs. Derek watched with a frown.

When the werewolves heard her door close, Derek turned to Peter and sighed, "What is it?" he asked. "It's better if we're with the pack." He said. Derek pursed his lips but obliged, "This better be good." He grumbled and walked past his uncle. Peter following quickly after.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Steve was cleaning the meeting room of the compound. It was another failed tracking day and he didn't want to show Tony his diminishing hope.

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