chapter 8. the truth

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It was a Wednesday when Derek and Harlow decided on looking for the necklace again. They were walking casually in the woods.

After Sunday, their closeness just grew and the pack was getting adamant on whether to let her know or not. The pack was at school while Derek and Harlow were roaming around again.

Harlow sighed as her hope was diminishing. "Hey." Derek said as he approached her. "Don't lose hope." He said. "What if it's lost forever?" she asked with a frown.

Derek shook his head, "Your A.I. said it was here. So it's gonna be here." He reassured her. She sighed and nodded as she sat down by the creak.

He watched her from the side as she threw rocks in the running water. "After you find the suit, are you leaving?" he asked. His heart hammering in his chest, he hated to admit it out loud but he didn't want her gone.

In the span of two weeks, Harlow Stark has wormed her way in his heart and he didn't know how but he let her in, and after Braeden when he thought she was the one, he promised himself to stop. But here she was, she found herself etching herself in his life.

"That depends if I can figure out how to fix everything and the stones." She said. In all honesty, she slowly found herself not wanting to go. She had to admit, they were great friends.

Lydia and Allison were great gossip buddies and Kira was great in just talking feelings out. Malia was amazing in learning about her life and Cora was like the sister she wished Morgan would grow up to be.

Liam was like the little brother that Harley and Peter were, he would be an amazing addition to her little brothers. Isaac's optimism towards her was always a plus. Scott's belief in her and trust was something she still wanted to live up to. And Stiles, she would miss him a lot. His sarcasm and jokes even his jeep.

But mostly Derek, she never met someone like him. Albeit he is two or three years older than her but it never felt like that when she was around him. She found herself drawn to him. She felt special because the others would tell her how he only did things, nice and sweet things to her. She would miss him the most.

"And if it does, would you leave that quick?" Derek asked cautiously. Harlow pursed her lips and turned to look at him, "I don't think I can. Not like this." She said.

He raised an eyebrow at her, "What do you mean?" he asked with complete curiosity. She chuckled, "Well, there are many reasons." She said with a smile.

Harlow stood up and offered her hand to Derek. He grabbed hers and they walked through the creak, stepping on stones as they did.

"Care to elaborate?" he asked as he helped her to cross. "Well first of all I'll miss them." She said pertaining to her new found friends.

Derek let out a joking scoff, "They're not that special." He joked. Harlow laughed and jokingly pushed him as they successfully passed the creak.

"They are. They're great friends. I mean they just knew me for two weeks and yet I feel so comfortable with them." She admitted. Derek sighed and nodded in agreement, "Yeah, they are one heck of a group." He whispered.

Harlow smiled, "Second, I like Beacon Hills." She said. Derek snickered, "Why?" he asked and she giggled, she walked in front of him and started to walk backwards.

"I like it here because it makes me feel normal." She said. Derek smiled at the answer and nodded, "This town is dull and boring." He teased. But Harlow shook her head, "No it's not. A town is not interesting or fun just because of the sights, the history or the landmarks. It's about the people." She explained and stopped walking.

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