chapter 10. the song

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Another week passed. Harlow found herself smiling more and more, a great improvement from the constant worry and fighting that she grew up in.

After Derek got home, they laid on the sofa in each other's arms. Both of them not wanting to let go of each other so they didn't.

The next day, the pack was shocked to see the pair driving past the school and to one of the tech and hardware stores in the town. Harlow wanted to fix the suit and see if she can salvage it and take the stones out.

Derek was fine with tagging along even if he didn't know jack on some of the things she was explaining, he was just happy to be there with her.

When they got back, the pack was waiting for them and Lydia and Stiles were geeking at the sight of the suit when she opened it. Like what she did with her ring, she clouded the serving and blocked FRIDAY out.

Harlow didn't know why she did it. A part of her screamed that she had to do this on her own, figure out what happened on her own while the other half screamed that she didn't want her dad tracking her because she just knew that he would march in there and bring her back kicking and screaming.

The longer she stayed at Beacon Hills the more she wanted to stay and leave her old life behind. She didn't want to leave and she knew that Derek was a big part in that.

It was another weekend but unlike before, the pack had decided on taking a break from school and the suit. Stiles and Lydia were of course big help what with their interest in the science of it all.

Scott, Liam, Isaac and Malia were great help when it came on getting parts that she needed. Allison and Kira found a new hobby, cooking. Which automatically made the pack their test subjects. Cora was busy with getting Harlow all the books she needed while Derek was busy distracting her.

The pack thought it was cute but Harlow would hit him every time he hid her books. That weekend, the pack was camping by the cliff of the town where they could see the whole of Beacon Hills.

Isaac and Stiles were arguing about the bonfire while Allison and Kira were skewering the marshmallows. Lydia and Cora were fixing the tents with Liam while Malia was stretching her limbs in her coyote form and Scott watching over her.

The pack was all busy while Derek led Harlow at one of the spots where she could see the view. The last light of the sun hitting their skin as they sat next to each other.

Harlow breathed in and smiled. Derek watched her from the side and she chuckled to herself. "What are you laughing at?" he asked as his lips turned up into a smile.

"Just at how normal this all feels." She said and turned to him. "You like it?" he asked. She scoffed, "Out of all the distractions you made? Yeah I particularly enjoy this one." She said with a wink.

Derek let out a loud laugh and Harlow following. This made the pack look at them. Cora smiled, "I haven't heard Derek laugh like that in a long time." She whispered.

Stiles scoffed, "I haven't heard Derek laugh like that at all." He snickered. Lydia rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, "Will you leave them alone?" she asked.

The human shrugged, "You know I think they work well together, sourwolf and genius princess." He said with a smirk at Isaac. The beta scoffed, "You're not winning this bet." He said.

Cora gasped and hit Isaac's head, "You did not just bet on my brother's relationship." She scolded him. Isaac sent her a sheepish smile which made her scoff. "Can you blame him? Derek looks so much happier." Allison said as she looked at the pair.

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