chapter 23. the good-bye

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Harlow sat in the passenger seat of Derek's black Camaro. They both sat in silence the car stopped between Stiles' blue jeep and Peter's car.

The others got out of their cars as the couple stayed silent. Harlow gulped and grabbed Derek's hand. He sighed and turned to her, "Derek please." She cried but he shook his head.

"You're going." He said as he got out of the car. Harlow let out a sigh and got out as well. The pack smiled at her and she nodded. She moved to the red barrier and clenched her jaw.

She can hear them, her family on the other side. She gulped and raised her hand, placing it just above the barrier, in a blink, the barrier turned transparent and the pack gasped at the sight.

The Avengers, old and new, alive and supposed to be dead stood on the other side. Harlow didn't dare to look, "Harlow." Tony muttered with tears in his eyes.

But she shook her head and walked backwards, her back hitting Derek's chest. He grabbed her arms, "I don't wanna go." She said. Tony's heart broke, "Harlow, we need to get them out." He said as he walked closer to the barrier.

The father looked at the people around his daughter, realizing the small family she had connected with he sighed, his eyes met Derek's. He gulped and sent him a look, despite the overprotectiveness he felt towards Harlow, he didn't want to rip away her happiness.

Derek knew what he had to do, he turned his girlfriend and Harlow looked at him, "You gotta go." He said despite the ache in her heart and the cries of the pack.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you pushing me away?" Harlow cried and Derek shook his head, "I'm not-" "Yes you are. I told you I could forget about you and you don't care." She argued.

He sighed, "You know that's not true Harlow. I care about you a lot, that's why you gotta save yourself and us. We can't be selfish right now, not when other people are involved." He explained as he caressed her cheek.

"What if I never remember?" she cried. Derek sent her a smile, "Then we'll make new ones. Because I'll be damned if I let you walk away from my life Harlow." He said.

The girl gulped and looked back to her family. Her eyes wandered at everyone and she sighed. "Can you wait for just a little bit?" she asked and Tony nodded.

Harlow walked to the pack and let out a chuckle, Liam broke and hugged her. "You better practice Liam okay? You gotta sing me something soon." She whispered and the boy nodded before letting go.

She moved to Allison, the huntress shedding a tear before hugging the Stark girl, "You gotta tell her soon Alli. She's not gonna run away from you." She whispered and the huntress nodded and letting go. Harlow hugged Kira and whispered something in Japanese, "Anata wa kanojo o aishite ite, sore wa daijōbudesu."

Kira chuckled and nodded, "Thank you." She whispered and Harlow smiled. Moving to Lydia who furrowed her eyebrows, she hugged the strawberry blonde sighed, "You got this Lyds. Take care of them okay." She said and Lydia kissed her cheek.

Stiles walked to her with a pout. She chuckled and cupped his cheek, "You gotta try to make me remember okay? Because I already planned it." She said making Stiles furrow his eyebrows making Harlow smile, "I'm getting you and Lydia scholarships to MIT okay." She said.

Lydia gasped and Stiles' eyes widened, "So you gotta make me remember okay?" she told the boy who nodded. "I will. Thank you Har." He whispered making her smile.

Moving to Isaac who was crying the hardest. She smiled at him, "You better take care of Cora or I will hit you, memories or not." She joked making him chuckle and nod. "I could never not take care of her. I love her too much." He said making both Harlow and Derek smile.

Harlow moved to Cora, she held her hand, "You better not forget me Cora." She whispered. The youngest Hale smiling, "I would never. You made my brother happy and if I need to hit you in the head so you can remember I will." She said making them chuckle.

The Stark stood in front of Malia. The werecoyote staring at her blankly at her. Harlow sighed, "Come on Lia." She said as she hugged her. Malia sighed and hugged back, "Math is important Lia. You got this." She said.

"It sucks, I finally had someone to teach me without mixing notes and banshee predictions." Malia grumbled making the pack laugh. Harlow shook her head and hugged her again before facing Peter with a sigh.

"Thank you for not being a jerk these last few days." She whispered. Peter smiled, "Well I gotta play nice to the girl my nephew is in love with." He said. They hugged briefly before Harlow moved to Scott.

The true alpha smiled at her, "We're gonna figure it out." He said as he held her hand. "We don't say it a lot but we really appreciate you and grateful that you got lost here, with us." He admitted making Harlow smile so wide and pull him in a hug.

"I wouldn't have survived without you guys." She said. The team watching from the other side. Steve kept glancing at Tony who had a sad face as he continued to watch his daughter interact with the people she had learned to love.

As Scott and Harlow pulled away, she walked to Derek who had been watching her every step. She stopped in front of him and looked at him. Green meeting green for what Harlow believed would be the last time.

"You gotta take care of yourself Derek." She said as she cupped his cheeks, he nodded as he savored her touch, leaning onto her hand and pressing his forehead on hers.

"I'm gonna miss you." She admitted making him laugh. "I know..." he muttered. She pulled away a little, so she could get a good look at him.

Her eyes wandered around his face, memorizing it. "You're my normal Derek Hale and I love you." She said making Derek smile, showing off his dimples. She grinned and poked them, "You're my normal too Harlow Stark and I love you more." He said as he grabbed her waist and smashed his lips on hers.

She let out a sob but wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. So much emotion flowed around them. Peter's heart ached, he could sensed the chemosignals and he just knew that it would break his nephew.

Derek moved his hand to the pocket of her jacket. Sneakily placing a small note into it and then cupping her cheek.

The couple pulled away and Harlow started to walk backwards, her hands flew to her necklace and smiled at them. "The mind can forget but my heart won't." she said and winked at them.

Harlow breathed in and turned around. She sighed and nodded at Wanda who walked in front of her. She raised her hand, Wanda following. They looked at each other, the older girl sending her a smile.

"Let's get you home." Wanda whispered. Harlow frowned, New York wasn't home for her anymore, Beacon Hills was. The slumped shoulders were noticed by everyone. And if they could, the pack would have smirked at the action.

Wanda sighed and nodded at Harlow, they closed their eyes as the red hue started to move around them. Everyone watched in awe as Wanda led Harlow to collect all of it into a ball.

The witch opening her eyes and noticed the barrier gone. She slowly placed a hand on Harlow's arm making the girl open her eyes.

Harlow looked at the ball of power and making it disappear. She gulped as she it in her, she clenched her jaw as she tried to push the power down. "We gotta go." Wanda said. Loki seeing the struggle and motioned for Tony to walk to her.

"Harlow, come on." He whispered. A tear escaped her eye and she looked back at Derek. "It's okay." He mouthed. She nodded, just like the day they met, she trusted him. He always will.

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