chapter 34. the green eyes

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The game was a hit, Stiles shot the winning goal and everyone cheered for him. Harlow found herself sitting next to Derek, enjoying his company more than she expected.

The pair walked to the small group that consisted of the pack and their parents. "Congratulations." Harlow said and the teens looked at her with bright faces.

"You stayed..." Liam said surprised. Harlow hummed and nodded, "Yeah well I wanted to see if Beacon Hills High's lacrosse team were as good as my memory." She said.

"You remember?" Kira asked with hope and Harlow sighed, "Snippets. I remember Liam and Isaac tag teaming the other team while Kira shot most goals and Scott leading the team to a win." She said with a smile.

Stiles gaped at her, "What about me? No memory of me playing?" he asked with a frown. The others looked at her in hope and she started chuckling, "I remember Stiles shooting towards the goals, when he doesn't make it he whines and when he does make it, he does this silly dance." She said with a smile.

The boy beamed and pulled her into a hug. "We missed you Harlow." He whispered and her face softened. "Yeah well, I don't remember a lot but I think I missed you all too." She whispered and hugged Stiles back.

Derek smiled and looked at the ground, Harlow's phone suddenly rang and she pulled away, "Hello?" she asked turning away from the pack. She walked slightly away leaving them on their own.

"So..." Lydia trails and Cora looks at her brother, "She remembers?" she asked him. Derek sighed, "She had this look earlier, I don't know yet." He whispered still looking at Harlow.

"Derek we're sorry for not telling you." Scott said. The former alpha looked at him and nodded, "It's fine." He said and Peter hummed, "The way she looks now..." he trailed everyone looking at him.

"She seems better than when I first saw her in New York or at the grocery store." He admitted looking at Derek. "She'll remember. Just keep doing what you're doing." Peter said but Derek sighed, "I don't even know what I'm doing." He mumbled.

"Be there for her." Melissa said with a smile. "Memory loss can be triggered and it seems you are the needed trigger all along." She finished and Derek nodded.

Harlow walked back, "Hey I gotta go. Peter's whining and dad's kind of losing patience." She said with a chuckle. They nodded and hugged her, "I'll see you guys." She said and they nodded.

"Do you have a car?" Derek asked and she nodded, "Yeah. I drove here." She said with a smile. "Well let me walk you there." he said and she nodded.

The pair walked away from the group in silence. That is until Derek decided to break it, "So you're boyfriend-" "What?" she cut him off confused. She stopped walking and turned to him.

Derek frowned and kicked the pebbled on the ground, "You're boyfriend, the one who brought your brother to the hospital?" he asked as the images of them at the cliff flashing in his head.

Harlow let out a laugh, "You mean Pietro?" she asked. Derek huffed and nodded, she bit her lip and furrowed her eyebrows, "He's not my boyfriend." She said making Derek look at her. "I just thought-" "I may not remember a lot but I think I was in love with someone." She whispered making him stop.

Derek looked at her with so much hope and she gulped. The same green eyes boring into her. "You have beautiful eyes." she whisper and he smiled, his dimples showing. She tilted her head and walked closer to him.

She lifted her hand and poked his dimples making them both laugh, "Sorry, I couldn't resist." She said and bit her lip. He grinned making them deeper, Harlow's heart racing and Derek noticing.

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