chapter 25. the waking up

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Bruce, Bucky, Sam and Natasha stood around the reconstructed time machine that Tony and Harlow had designed before. Steve stood in the middle with the stones in hand.

"Remember bring them back on the timeline they were taken from." Bruce said. Steve nodded, "If she wakes up-" "We'll tell her you'll be back in a minute." Bucky cut him off.

Steve sighed and nodded, "Don't do anything stupid when I'm gone." He said pertaining to his three best friends. Sam scoffed while Nat rolled her eyes. Bucky walked up to him, giving him a hug, "How can we? When you're taking all the stupid with you." He teased.

Cap laughed and pulled away, "No detours Rogers." Nat said and he nodded. "Gotta be there for Harlow." He said and they nodded. His helmet covered his face and Bruce twisted the dial and counted down.

As that was happening Thor and Tony were saying their good byes to the Guardians and Carol. "Tell Harlow sorry I couldn't be there when she wakes up." Carol said. Tony nodded, "She'll understand. Thank you." He said as he turned to the rest of their team.

"I am Groot." Groot said and Rocket chuckled, "He said make sure she gets her happy ending." He translated. Tony smiled in thanks and watched them leave.

The pair stood there in silence, "Do you think she'll forget?" Tony asked the god. Thor sighed, "I don't know but that was her theory." He said as he turned to his friend.

"But whatever happens you made a promise to your daughter." Thor reminded him. Tony nodded, "I know. I intend to keep it." He said.

Inside, Wanda and Loki worked around Harlow and her unconscious state. Pietro, Peter and Harley watching in worry. In the time that Harlow got to know Pietro, they had bonded like siblings despite the trust issues back then.

The two witches were checking for any remnants of power but there wasn't any. "Did any of her friends call?" Wanda asked the three boys. Harley hummed, "One did, Stiles I think. He was asking if they can see her but Mr. Stark said not yet. He wanted to make sure she was recovered before pushing her back into it." He said.

Loki sighed and looked back at the three of them. He was about to say something when Wanda stumbled back when Harlow gasped and sat up.

Her green eyes wandering everywhere until they met with Wanda's brown ones. "Wanda?" she asked. The witch raised her hands in a sign of peace, "Yeah. You okay?" she asked. Harlow nodded and breathed in.

"What happened?" she asked. Wanda walked slowly to her, "Harlow you need to lay down okay." She softly said. The girl nodded and let Wanda lay her down.

Her eyes moved around and saw Peter and Harley. She smiled, "You both are safe." She said. The brothers ran to her and grabbed her hands. "Do you- Do you remember?" Peter asked.

Harlow furrowed her eyebrows, "I remember the battle Peter. I remember snapping." She said. "After that?" Harley asked cautiously. Harlow opened her mouth to say something, she wanted to say something but nothing came out.

"I- Did I lose something?" she asked as she looked back at Wanda but she caught sight of Loki and Pietro. "Loki? Piet?" she asked, eyes filling with tears.

They smiled at her, "Hey there." they said as Peter and Harley rushed to get the team, "How- What?" she asked confused. Suddenly Tony was in the room rushing to her.

"Dad." She said and moved her sight past him to see Vision in his human form and Nat with Bucky. "Am I dead?" she asked but Tony shook his head and grabbed her face.

"Look at me." He said making her look at him in fear and worry. "Everything's okay. Its been a few months since the battle." He said. "What? Where was I? Why can't I remember anything?" she asked as she gripped her necklace.

Her chest ached and her head was pounding. "Something happened when you snapped and you brought back some people." He explained as clear as he could.

"I brought them back?" she asked. He nodded, "How?" she asked. "That's a long story. You need to rest-" "No. I have been unconscious why would I rest?" she asked.

She needed answers. She felt like she needed to ask something but she can't quite grasp it. "Listen, Harlow the stones did something to you and you brought them back. We'll tell you when Cap gets here." Bucky said as he neared his best friend.

"Why? Where's Cap?" she asked but in her heart she felt like she should be asking about someone else, "He's bringing back the stones to fix the timeline and the universe." Stephen said quietly.

"I ruined the timeline?" She asked. "No. We did when we got the stones." Scott Lang answered her. "But the universe?" she asked again. "When we took the stones we created multiple universes and timelines. That's how you brought them back." Clint said.

Harlow nodded and breathed in and out slowly. Her mind was yelling at her about something and she shook her head, "If it's been months? Was I unconscious the whole time?" she asked.

The team shared looks. "What?" she asked. Tony sighed, "Honey, you lost some memories when we fixed the stones." He said vaguely.

Harlow stared at him, "Then tell me what I forgot." She demanded. "That's not a good idea yet Harlow." Loki said. "Why? It's my memories. I should get them back unless I did something wrong?" she asked as fear flashed on her face.

Tony was quick to shake his head, "No. You didn't its just you need to recover first." He said softly. "Will I ever get them back?" she asked looking at Loki.

He hummed, "We'll try everything we can." He said. Harlow nodded and looked at her hands, "Where's Morgan?" she asked. "At home with Pep. I'll call them later if you want." Tony said.

She nodded and opened her mouth. She was about to ask something but she couldn't get anything out. "Am I supposed to ask about something?" she asked again looking at everyone.

Wanda's heart broke and looked away. Her and Nat looked at each other, their eyes showed guilt. "Why do you ask?" Rhodey asked his goddaughter.

Harlow shook her head, "I just... I feel like I need to ask something about something but I can't remember." She whispered as she clenched her hands. "Why can't I remember?" she asked herself.

"Hey. Relax, it'll all come back soon." Tony said and she nodded. She laid back down looking at the ceiling, "But I want to remember." She whispered.

Silence engulfed them as the team all shared a look, not knowing what to do.

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