chapter 30. the town

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"Dad you didn't have to buy a house." Harlow said getting out of the car. She looked at the house in front of her. Tony hummed and shrugged, "Yes well, we're planning on staying with you until you remember." He said and Harlow smiled.

Morgan ran passed them and pulled Harley and Peter in the house, "Come on!" she yelled excitedly. Harlow breathed in and out, the moment she saw the Beacon Hills sign, her heart raced and she just can't wait to remember.

"So it's a school day." Pepper said and the father and daughter looked at her. "Morgan and Peter need to go to school." The woman said sternly. Bucky and Natasha laughed as they walked pass the family.

"A new school for the spiderwick? Yeah that'd be fun." Bucky teased. Harlow rolled her eyes and pushed the couple in the house, "I'll enroll them." She said.

Tony and Pepper looked at her, "Are you sure? Don't you want to see the town-" "I will but I want to bring them to school. Something's telling me to." She cut Pepper off.

Her father smiled at her, "Oh thank god because I do not want to go to a high school ever again." He said making Pepper hit her in the head. Harlow let out a laugh, catching the attention of a certain werewolf across the street.

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Stiles and Lydia were picking Scott up because his bike needed some repairs. When Scott got out of the house he smelt a familiar scent.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Yow Scotty. You good?" Stiles asked. "I smell-" he was cut off by a laugh. He looked across the street and his jaw dropped.

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows and turned and his eyes widened. "What?" Lydia asked her boyfriend. Stiles turned her head and she gasped.

"Is that-" "Harlow! Come on! Mom said you were gonna bring us to school!" Morgan Stark yelled as she ran back out the house. "Okay relax Moguna we gotta wait for Pete, Harls and Pietro." She said.

Harlow smiled at her sister when she felt looks on her. She turned and saw the trio, her lips gaped and garbled voices filled her head.

"Where's Peter?" Harley asked as he walked to his sister. "Inside." She muttered and he nodded. He noticed her staring at something. He looked to where she was looking and he hummed.

"You wanna say hello?" Harley asked her and Morgan. The little Stark nodded and started to skip to the friends. Harlow snapped out of it when she heard a car. "Morgan!" she yelled.

She ran to the street but Morgan was saved by someone. Harlow breathed in and crouched down on the curb where her sister and the boy sat. "Morgan, you don't cross the street without an adult. You know that." She scolded her.

Morgan pouted and nodded, "Sorry Harlow." She whispered and Harlow nodded and hugged her. "Don't do it again. God, we just got here." She said as she stood up.

She looked at the boy and she froze. Familiar brown eyes stared back at her, "Thank you..." she trailed and he nodded, "Scott." He said and she smiled.

"Thank you Scott." She said. The jeep door opened and Harlow moved her eyes away from Scott and to them. They stared at her and she sent them a polite smile, "Hi, I'm-" "Harlow." The girl said.

The boys shared a look and she furrowed her eyebrows, "I'm sorry but um, do I know you?" she asked. Scott's heart dropped and so did the two of them. "My family told me I forgot some things and can you tell me if I knew you?" she asked them.

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