chapter 16. the fight

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow could hear the beeping of a machine around her. She felt the hands that touched hers and she slowly opened her eyes. She had to blink multiple times to adjust to the light.

Her mouth gaped and she turned her head. A hand gripped hers and she looked forward. There sitting on the chair next to her bed was Derek Hale.

His head on the mattress, his other arm tucked underneath his head, his eyes closed preventing her to see the green eyes she had learned to adore. She slowly grazed her thumb over his knuckles.

Harlow watched him stir and she smiled when his eyes fluttered open. He looked at their hands and then to her. She sent him a smile, "Hi." She whispered.

Derek was sure that his heart skipped when he heard her voice. "Harlow." He whispered as he moved closer to her. She gripped his hand, "I'm okay." She muttered.

She glanced at the window to see the full moon. "Derek, it's the full moon. The pack-" "Are dealing with their own things." Derek cut her off.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she looked at him. Derek let out a chuckle and moved the hair out of her face, "You got stabbed and you're asking me if I'm okay?" he asked her.

Harlow pursed her lips, "I'm okay. I wanna know if you're okay." She admitted as a blush crept up to her cheeks. Derek sighed, "My wolf is fine. I'm just worried about you." He whispered. Harlow nodded and pulled him closer, "I was worried too." She said.

"About what?" "Aside from the full moon, I was scared that you were worried and that you'll beat yourself up." She muttered. Derek sighed, "Can you blame me? Harlow you got hurt." He said.

"I know. It was dumb, the stone slipped and I couldn't lose it." She muttered and then worry flashed on her face, "The stone. Where is it-" "Calm down." Derek said and he stood up. Walking to the small table near his chair, he grabbed the blue stone and sighed.

He walked back to her and grabbed her hand, she watched her closely as he placed the blue stone in her hand. She sighed in relief and closed her palm. She played with the stone as she continued to watch Derek.

"Derek..." she muttered. He hummed as he played with the hospital covers of the bed. "Why are you worried?" she asked. Derek chuckled, "Is it bad that I am?" he asked still not looking at her.

"I didn't say that I was just wondering." She whispered. Derek stayed quiet and Harlow sighed, "Derek I just want to know why all of a sudden I'm this big part of your life." She said.

Derek scoffed, "You don't need to ask that-" "But I do. Derek, I don't deserve this." She said. He shook his head and stood up, "Derek." She said but he wouldn't budge. "You're important to me Harlow because you brought something to my life that no one else did." He started and Harlow listened.

"And you're wrong, you do deserve that because you are important to me." He said as he walked out the door. "And until you realize that I think you need to think about it." He whispered and walked out the room.

For the first time since getting to Beacon Hills, Harlow felt something other than fear, worry, happiness and excitement. She felt pain, her heart broke at the sight of Derek walking away from her. And in a second, tears fell from her eyes as she gulped down a sob.

»»————- ★ ————-««

The full moon disappeared and the sun rose. Cora walked back to the loft with a sleepy Isaac behind her. When they entered they were shocked to see Derek sitting on the sofa that was still facing the window.

The werewolf couple felt his emotions; sadness, guilt and hurt. It was overwhelming and Cora sighed. "Go and get something to drink, I'll talk to him." She said.

Isaac nodded and walked to the kitchen as his girlfriend walked to her brother. Derek was awake, he was sitting there in silence, alone. Ever since he left the hospital room where Harlow laid, he felt like his shoulders were heavy, his heart was in his stomach and every step he took felt like stab wounds in his chest.

"What happened?" Cora asked as she sat next to him. "She said she doesn't deserve my worry and care." He said with a sigh. Cora furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't get it Cora. I don't get her." He said as he closed his eyes, "She means so much to me Cora why can't she see that?" he asked her.

Cora moved closer to him and grabbed his hand. Derek looked at her, "I just want to be there for her Cora." He cried out, tears flowing down his cheeks. She was shocked at the sight, "Then why are you here?" she asked.

Derek was taken back at the question. "What?" Derek asked. Cora sighed, "If you want her to understand, what are you doing here when you could have been there explaining it to her?" she asked again.

"Maybe because I don't know how." He admitted, frustrated at himself. Cora hummed and nodded, "But I think you do know." She whispered. Derek sent her a look and she smiled, "You want me to tell her how I feel?" he asked.

"Do you want to tell her how you feel?" she asked back. Derek sighed, "I don't want to scare her away." He whispered. "I don't think she scares easily Derek." Cora said.

Isaac walked to the siblings, "Malia and Scott are with Harlow, I think Melissa is working on getting her out of there." he informed the siblings and sat next to Cora.

The couple sat there, accompanying Derek and his thoughts. The two of them hoping that he would actually do it before it's too late.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Ever since Derek walked out, Harlow didn't sleep a wink. She sat there until Melissa checked up on her. The woman was shocked to see Derek gone and Harlow left a crying mess.

So when Scott and Malia walked in with Allison and Kira's fresh baked cookies, the couple expected to see Derek and Harlow laughing at something they only understand while holding cups of coffee but they were stunned at the sight.

Harlow sitting in her bed with red puffy eyes as Melissa sat beside her. "Mom?" Scott asked softly. Harlow wiped her face and sighed looking out the window. "What happened?" Scott asked again.

Melissa sighed, "Scott how about you help me with the release papers, I think Harlow needs Malia to talk to her." She said. Scott reluctantly nodded and followed her mother out the room. Leaving Harlow and Malia together.

Malia tilted her head, sensing all the emotions that the girl was feeling. "Har..." she trailed and the girl hummed, "Yeah?" Harlow said with a hoarse voice.

"Alright what did my dumb cousin do?" Malia asked as she sat on the foot of the bed. Harlow chuckled, "It was actually me this time." She whispered.

The werecoyote looked at her confused, "What happened?" she asked. Harlow sighed, "I kind of asked him why he cares so much and I guess didn't believe that I deserve whatever he was feeling for me." She explained.

Malia groaned, "Okay. Here's what I think, you like my cousin so much but you're scared because you know you'll be leaving. You don't want to hurt him." She said. Harlow finally looked at her and nodded.

She smiled at the Stark girl and chuckled, "Well guess what Harlow Twist Stark..." she trailed as she grabbed her friend's hand, "You melted my cousin's heart, I don't think anyone has even come close to that." She said.

"I don't know what to do Malia." She said. "Swallow up the fear because Derek cares about you a lot. If you're gonna leave, then spend whatever time you both have together not apart."

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