chapter 20. the pain

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»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow woke up again that night. She felt Derek rub her arm, she knew she was keeping him awake too but she felt it. Every time she would fall asleep, the creeping feeling of losing control was rising up and she did not want to lose control.

Every time her breath would act up and her heart race, Derek would shake her lightly to wake her up. She sighed in defeat and bit her lip. Derek kissed her head and whispered comforting things in her ear.

She would relax every time but when she would feel the sleep and exhaustion creep it so did the power and she just couldn't afford the chance of hurting Derek or Cora and Isaac who was asleep in the youngest Hale's room. Even Peter who was staying with them after he felt left out that the Hale siblings got to know Harlow.

It was tense at first but Harlow had grown accustomed to the eldest Hale especially when Derek would rarely glare at her uncle.

Her eyes were open as they travelled around the loft. Like every night, the couple was laying on the sofa under the moon light after their late night deep talks. Her eyes landed on the last stone.

She dreaded on cleaning it, she felt like once she did her peace would be disrupted and normal would turn chaotic again. But on the other side, she knew she was losing control and she needed help. She didn't think she could handle it.

Her heart jump and Derek turned her around so she was facing him. She sighed and closed her eyes as she felt him caress her cheek, "What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"Everything." She admitted and opened her eyes. She was met with his green eyes, the same ones she had learned to love. "Well that's keeping you up. Maybe I should do something to keep you distracted." He whispered.

"Derek, I'm not in the mood-" "I didn't meant that miss dirty." Derek cut her off with a chuckle. She blushed and lightly slapped his chest.

He hummed and sat up bringing her with him. He grabbed Liam's guitar and moved to one side of the sofa while Harlow stayed on her side.

He started to strum surprising Harlow. She leaned on her arm and listened to him. Suddenly he started to hum and she studied him with so much love that if it was possible, Derek would have melted.

When somebody loved me

Everything was beautiful

Every hour spent together

Lives within my heart

Derek closed his eyes as he started to sing softly. Her eyes widened ever so slightly as her mouth gaped. She felt her heart race at the words.

And when she was sad

I was there to dry her tears

And when was happy so was I

When she loved me

He opened his eyes and looked straight at her. Green met green as he continued to sing just for her. It wasn't perfect nor was it practiced.

Through the summer and the fall

We had each other, that was all

Just she and I together

Like it was meant to be

But it was enough for her to fall all over again. She saw him, Derek. Just Derek, not the former Alpha or werewolf or orphan, he was her Derek.

And when she was lonely

I was there to comfort her

And I knew that she loved me

»»————- ★ ————-««

Harlow was flipping through another book that the pack had brought her. She was alone at the loft, Derek and Peter had run off to somewhere. She didn't even ask as she was trying to distract herself from the soul stone.

But she felt it. The power pushing her to finish it. She groaned and shut her book. Malia and Cora walked in just in time to see her walk to her station and grab the soul stone.

She slowly pushed and pulled on the small pieces of metal from the stone. It wasn't that many seeing as it was placed in the pinky part of the glove.

"Harlow?" Cora asked. The girl looked at the cousins and smiled, "Hey." She said. "You okay? Derek said you didn't get that much sleep." Malia said as the two accompanied her to her station.

"Yeah. I'm just thinking about things." She answered. "You're leaving." Cora concluded and she sighed. "I think I have to but I'm still researching for ways to fix it myself so I can just call my dad and give him stones so I can stay." She reassured them with a smile.

But Cora and Malia heard it, the blip and bump in her heart. They didn't point it out as Harlow continued to fumble with the orange stone.

"This was the stone that my Aunt Nat died for." Harlow muttered making the two Hales look at the orange dull stone. "How can one stone take a life..." Harlow whispered flipping the now clean stone three times between her fingers.

Unbeknownst to her a surge of energy blasted through the compound in New York, Wanda immediately feeling it.

»»————- ★ ————-««

The Scarlet Witch jumped up her seat as she felt a familiar feeling. It was like another heartbeat attached with hers, a familiar one.

She ran out, already seeing the team huddled in a circle. Wanda stopped just behind Clint who was frozen at the sight. In the middle of the crowd was the same silver haired twin.

"Pietro." Wanda gasped and the boy looked up and sighed, "Wanda." He called out speeding to her and pulling her in a hug. "You're alive." She muttered looking at Nat who was held by Bucky.

"Nat what is it?" Wanda asked pulling away from her brother but intertwining their hands. "The soul stone. I felt it." The redhead said.

Tony's eyes widened and all of the sudden Harley and Peter ran out, "We broke it. We can send messages now." The teens said.

The team looked at each other in hope, they were one step closer and they knew it. Just a few more and they can save Harlow.

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