Get Away

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Mal's POV
After Ben left, I threw my clothes back on.
I laid on my bed, I felt sad.
Ben makes me so happy, but I never had the heart to tell him.
I just want him back here with me.
But this was wrong.
What the hell did I just do? I asked myself
This was a mistake.
It's fine, I won't tell anyone what happened.
3rd POV
Its Monday now, and it's back to school for Auradon Prep.
Mal and Ben are going to have trouble talking to each other about what happened the other night on Chad's party.
Trust me they are both nervous.
Ben's POV
Today is going to be awkward.
But at the end of the day, Mal is still my friend, and she will always be.
I got ready for school.
After that I made my way to Auradon Prep.
When I got to school kids were already there waiting for the bell the ring.
I made my way to the bench, and saw that Evie, Carlos, Jay and Mal were there.
So I took a deep breath and made my way over.
"Hey guys" I said as I got closer

"Sup man" Carlos and Jay said

"Hello Ben" Evie said
Mal looked at me.
"Hey" she said
I sat next to her, but we both didn't say anything.
Evie and them had their own conversation going.
So me and Mal sat there.
What do I say? I asked myself
I don't want her to think that I am a jerk.
So I randomly said anything.
"Are you feeling better?" I asked
She turned to face me.
"Yeah" she said
I looked back at her friends and they weren't even paying attention, so I whispered:
"Hey, whatever happened the other night, I'm still friends with you okay? I don't ever want our friendship to be ruin by something. You are my best friend and I would lose myself if I ever lost you" I whispered in her ear
She nodded with a smile.
Then she hugged me.
Of course I hugged her back tightly.
It took her a while to let go.
"Ben?" she said


"There is uh, there is something I need to tell you"

"Of course, what is it?" I asked

"So, um after you left, the other night, Shawn came to my room, to talk about our friendship and after talking, I had sex with him. And after that he just got up and left, he didn't say one word to me. Then I cried because you also left me that night" she said tearing up a bit
I stared into her eyes.
"Oh Mal" I said cupping her soft cheeks
"I am so sorry" I added
The bell suddenly rang.
I could tell that she didn't want to be at school.
"Hey, how about you and me just ditch for today. We can both get stuff off our minds. Yeah?" I asked
She nodded.
I took her hand and we quickly left.
"Wait're walking to fast" she said catching her breath

"Sorry. You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm okay" she said taking deep breath's

"We are almost there"
After catching her breath we walked under our tree in the park.
We both sat down.
"Man, that was a long walk" she said
I laughed.
"Yeah tell me about"

"I need to lay down" she said
She suddenly sat between my legs and placed her back along my chest down to my stomach.
She laid her head on my chest.
I leaned my back against the tree, with my arms out to the side.
"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm just sore from all that dancing"

"Okay, just making sure"
We sat there for hours, just talking for a bit or watching the beautiful nature around us.
"I'm going to be honest, hanging out with you, is actually peaceful" she said

"You know what? You are actually right" as I smiled

"It makes me forget about all the drama with that asshole Shawn. I should have never even hung out with him"

"Hey that's okay. You didn't know"

"But you did"
She got me there.
"Mal, I know how he was a jerk to you, but that's how he acts during practice, he was always an asshole, even to our couch and even to his mom. He never gave respect to people. He thought he was the best out of everyone. It's not your fault and it will never be" I said

"Yeah, you're right"
"Also I'm hungry" she added
Mal's POV
"Where do you want to eat?" he asked

"Honestly, I just want a pickle"

"A pickle?" he asked confused

"Yeah. Just a pickle"

"But Mal, you hate pickles"

"I know, but it sounds good right now" I said

"Okay. There is a corner store right over there" as he pointed

"Okay, let's go"
He got up first and then he helped me.
Then off we went.
When we got to the store I got my pickle and he payed.
He got a few snacks and some water.
Then we made our way back to the tree.
I immediately ate the pickle and drank a lot of water.
"Hey look, it's a swan in the lake" I said pointing
He looked and he saw it.
It was swimming.
"Oh wow" he said admiring it
I took a few photos.
Then we sat there again for hours.
It was getting late.
So Ben walked me back to my dorm.
When we got to my dorm, I turned to face him.
"Thank you again" I said giving him a hug

"Of course. You know sometimes we just need to get stuff out of our heads, and whats better to share it with your friend" he said

I pulled out of the hug.
"See you tomorrow" I said

"Yeah okay"


"Bye" he said
Then I went into my room.

So much is going on.
I hope you are enjoying my new book!❤️
Be on the look out for the next chapter!
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