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3rd POV
One more week!!!
Mal is so nervous.
She's been staying with Ben for the whole week, just in case anything happens a bit early.
Ben had already packed a bag filled with Mal's clothes and some of his clothes.
It's just a emergency bag just in case.
Anyways enjoy!
Ben's POV
Mal's been staying with me this week.
It's getting close to her due date.
She's nervous.
But I'm here for her.
She's not going to school for a few months.
"Are you hungry?" I asked

"I am. But I'm too nervous to eat"

"Did you want something small?"

"Probably just hamburger" she said

"Just a hamburger?"

I put my shoes on.
"Okay. I will be right back"

I walked out the door and locked it.
I took my moped and went to downtown Auradon to get some food.
I arrived at my favorite barbecue place called "Top Dogs"
It's a late friday night and all of auradon students like to go out.
So the place was packed.
I went inside.
"Hello Prince Ben" a waiter said


"How can I help you today?"

"Let me get a hamburger with everything on it. And a a large coke, and a turkey club sandwich, and fires on the side please"
He typed it on the computer.
"Okay. Your total will be $34.56
I put the card in and payed.
He gave me a paper with the number 107.
"Thank you" I said

"Of course"
Now I just waited.
So I sat on a chair.
I texted Mal.
Hey, I ordered the food. Now I'm just waiting
She immediately texted back.
Okay sounds good
I was on my phone, until someone came up to me.
I looked up and it was Audrey.
I gave her a small smile.
Then I looked away.
"Can I talk to you for a sec?" she asked

"If it's about us getting back together I don't want to hear it"

"No, it's about something else"
I didn't say anything.
But she just talked.
"Anyways, I was gonna ask, are you really going to help Mal with that baby? I mean you're to young to take care of a child-"
But I cut her off.
"First of all "that baby" is a boy. Second Mal is my girlfriend and she means everything to me and third I don't care if I'm too young, I know Benjamin isn't my kid, but I'm going to love him no matter what"

"Benjamin?" she asked

"Yes. She's naming him after me"
She didn't say anything after that.
"Number 107!"

"Now if you will excuse me, my girlfriend is hungry" as I got up
I walked passed her and got my food.
I left a tip and went back to my moped.
Then I went back to my place.
Mal's POV
I was sitting down watching tv.
Then Ben opened the door.
"I'm here" he said walking in

He went to sit on the couch with me.
He gave me my food.
"One hamburger for my beautiful lady" he said handing it to me
I chuckled.
"Thank you good sir"
We ate and watched tv.
It was getting late now.
I told Ben and we both we too sleep.
I suddenly woke up from being hot.
So I took off my half of the blankets.
But I was still hot.
I wanted to take off Ben's shirt that I had on.
So I gently woke him up.
"Ben" I whispered
He moved, but he didn't wake up.
Suddenly he opened his eyes.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked with his raspy voice

"Not really. It's hot in here, can you help me take off my shirt"
He sat up.
"Of course"
I put my arms up, he grabbed the bottom of the shirt and took it off.
"Is that better?" he asked

"Much better. Thank you"
He nodded.
Then we both laid back down.
He immediately cuddled me.
"Are you doing okay" he asked

"Yeah. The closer it gets, the more nervous I get"

"I understand, but if it makes you feel better I will be there with you"

"That actually dose make me feel better" I said smiling

"Hahaha, let get some rest now, you need it"
Then we went back to sleep.
4 Days later...
I have 3 more days left!
I'm so nervous!
I've been taking things slow.
And I've been staying with Ben.
Trust me, he is also nervous.
He wants everything to go smoothly.
Today me and Ben are going back to my dorm.
Well because Evie made some baby clothes and she wants me to go check them out.
She told me that she made so many.
"Ready?" he asked
I sat on my wheelchair.
And off we went to my dorm.
When got to Auradon prep and went to my dorm.
The door was unlocked.
"Hey Evie" I said
She got up from the chair and hugged me.
"Hey" as she hugged me
She said hi to Ben.
"So what do you have for me?" I asked
She smiled.
Then she brought out a big box filled with clothes.
"So, ever since you told me you were pregnant, I immediately started making clothes. And I've made about over 50 pairs of clothes"
I was shocked.
"How did you have time for all of this?" I asked looking at the beautiful clothes

"I made a pair everyday. Mainly after school"

"Evie, these are so cute and beautiful. Thank you so much"

"Of course" she said
I showed Ben.
"Look Ben, this one is adorable" I said showing him

"That is so adorable"
I looked through the other clothes.
"How much?" I asked

"No no no no no. Take them" Evie said

"Evie, I want to pay"

"No M. It's okay. I made them just for you"
I gave her a warm smile.
"Thank you" I said
She gave me a hug.
"Also, don't forget to call me once baby Benjamin comes. I wanna go see him." she said

"Don't worry I won't forget"

"Okay. Well you should get some rest now. I won't see you, so good luck and you got this, I promise. You are going to be a good mother" she said

"Thank you E"
Then we went back to Ben's place.
All day I just relaxed.
Ben stayed with me

It's almost time!!!
Sorry posting late I got busy with work.
Stay tune for next chapter!
Please share and vote!!!!
Baby Benjamin will be here soon!!! :)

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